𝟜: 𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕍𝔹𝕋

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~march 10th~

(y/n's pov)

another day. school has taken a toll on me. seriously, who even likes school to being with. masochist much if they even like school. i guess they like the pain that comes with school.

i recently learned that the miya twins and aran are going to the tryouts for the boys volleyball team this thursday. the fliers have been plastered all over school. so i'm pretty sure they couldn't pass up this upcoming opportunity.

"so you boys are going to try to join the team after all huh." i said.

"well yuhhh we are silly!" atsumu said

"yeah why not if atsumu is joining then so am i." osamu chimed.

"well that's pretty cool. i wonder if they need a manager. after all who wouldn't want to manage a team of hot boys !" i beamed jumping up and down. i made silly faces at aran just to rule him up.

"i swear to god (y/n) if that's the only reason...why you want to become the manager then don't do so at all." aran scolded me.

"bruh, why do you have to be so rude for? i was clearly joking. pipe down sir." i said looking up at him straight into his eyes.

aran rolled his eyes at me while the twins snickered.

~timeskip to thursday~

the bell rang. bringggg.

"mmmm finally!" as i yawned and stretched myself. i cracked my neck and back. twisting myself side to side. jeez i feel old. clearly school is not for me.

"guys let's go it's time for lunch. just staying in this class longer makes me sick!"

"kay we're coming in a sec!"

i ran out the door and simply waited for them outside the halls, leaning against the white soft wall. students started to come out of their classes and walk down the halls.

'why are they taking forever??' i know it doesn't take the long to pack your stuff into you backpack and go.

i received variety of stares while i was waiting for the boys. i'm used to get it but i can't help but get a bit anxious. that's is why i keep up a facade of being "the overly confident extrovert".

a girl looked my way & she blushed. she couldn't help hide her blush since i could see her whole face turn pink with a tint of red on her cheeks.

"well hello there cutie. i couldn't help but notice that you blushed when you looked at me." as i waved her over to come since i wanted to speak to her.

"i-i i can e-explain." she stopped dead in her tracks while she became a stuttering mess explaining that my beauty was undeniably visible. i couldn't help but tease her.

"you look cute while fiddling your fingers." i gave her a smirk. she seemed really sweet and innocent so i just gave her my number because why not. all she did was smile and blush.

"okay t-thank y-you !" she said and she simply sped walked away.

i brushed my uniform while i placed my arms behind my back. the door finally swung open after 5 minutes of waiting for the boys. aran, atsumu & osamu came out.

"jesus finally you guys are out! what took y'all so long?!"

"pardon us but we were finishing up our assignments unlike you, (y/n)." aran spoke.

"atsumu was clearly the only one sleeping while i was also finishing up my assignment." osamu yawned.

"man school sucks ass but anyways lets all move yer asses to the vending machines!" atsumu complained.

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