Chapter eight

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Y/n's p.o.v.
Well they didn't win but I'm glad that Astuya has loosened up a little, I thought. That Bunny girl sure is something. I smiled softly, I wish I could have been out here with them, I sighed softly. My door was opened. Y/n-Chan it's time for your injection again do you have any pain right now? She asked. I shook my head, no not really, I replied. She smiled softly well that's good, she said. I nodded. So you watch the match between Raimon and Alpine? She asked facing the tv standing beside me. After a minute or two she turned back to my iv and injected the pain killer. I'm glad that you aren't in pain right now Y/n-Chan. She said. So am I, I replied with a soft smile. Well I'll come back later before you go to sleep and give you the night time pain killer, she said and left the room.
Two hours later:
I guess Shirou isn't coming today guess that means I won't be going outside again. I guess he could be busy and just running a little late, I thought. I sighed and went and grabbed my sketch book and decided to sketch some more. First I drew two Dragons and then a wolf dragon hybrid. The two Dragons represent me and Shuuya and the hybrid represents Yuuka. She can be calm like a wolf but like me and Shuuya when it comes to anger so she has her Dragon side as well. She more of a wolf like our mother was. I smiled softly at memories of when our mother was still alive. After I did that sketch I finished up a few other sketches then put my sketch book away.
Two more hours later
The sun was starting to set over the horizon. Then Father along with Shuuya and Yukka walked into my room. Nee-San! Yuuka said as she ran up to the side of my bed. Hey Yuuka, I said and ruffled her hair lightly. Hey sis, Shuuya said. Hey Shuuya, I replied. Y/n we have to go to Raimon, father said. I tilted my head in confusion. Huh? Why? I asked. I can't tell you but you have to come with us to Raimon, my father said. Okay, I said. Shuuya lifted me up and set me in the wheel chair. Shuuya wheeled me out of the hospital with Yuuka on the left side and Father on the right. As we got to the gates of the hospital fathers car was at the side walk. Shuuya help me into the car Yuuka was on the other side of the car and Shuuya was in the middle. Father was driving. As we drove I was looking out the window. Hey Nee-San what really happened when you were hurt? Yuuka asked. Shuuya requested for Alpine to have a practice match with us so we agreed. During the practice match two of the defenders slid to try and take the ball from me and try to stop me from going forward. They didn't go far enough forward so they're cleats crashed into my legs and caused holes in the bone in my legs. And if I were to have surgery it could causing the cracks to grow bigger in my legs, I replied. She looked worried and upset. Yuuka I'll get back on the pitch promise, I said. She smiled at me.
30 minutes later at Raimon
It's just dawned on me I've never truly been to Raimon. But Shuuya knows his way around seeing he went here before transferring back to Kirkwood to be the ambassador, Yuuka said. True, I replied with a soft smile. As we looked at the pitch I saw the all of Kirkwood along with Apline. I'm dumb founded at the moment. Endou and all of the others were there two. Shuuya what's this for? I asked. We wanted to do something for you sense you got injured and can't play right now, he replied. I have to carry you, he said. I nodded and he lifted me up and Yukka fallowed behind with the wheel chair. After we got down the hill Shuuya set me back down in the wheel chair. Endou and Kidou walked up, hey Y/n Endou said. Hey Endou, Kidou, I said. Hey Y/n catch, Astuya said and tossed me the soccer ball. I caught it in my hands. Minna, I whispered. Y/n we trust that you'll work hard and get back on the pitch, Endou said all the others nodded in agreement. Yeah you have my word Minna I'll get back on the pitch, I said. After that Shirou came up to me and smiled at me while the others were off talking to each other like Shirou could be he was just talking to me. Sorry I didn't come Y/n but I was helping plan this, he said with a sheepish grin and rubbing the back of his neck lightly. It's fine Shirou. I replied with a small smile. Hey Nee-San, Yukka said and walked up to me. What's up Yukka? I asked. When your back on your feet you better not give up on playing the matches you play, she said. Promise Yukka, I said and we linked our pinky's together.
About an hour later
That was amazing and fun, Endou said falling on his back beside me. Yeah I'm really great full for it I'm just confused you guys didn't have to do all this for me, I said. We know we didn't have to we wanted to, endou said. Shirou, Kidou and Shuuya nodded in agreement. Y/n we have to take you back to the hospital now, Father said. I nodded. See you later Y/n, Endou said smiling at me. This time Shirou Came with us.
Back at the hospital
I was starting to get sleepy. Getting tired Y/n? Shuuya asked. I nodded a little. Then the nurse came in and injected the nighttime pain killer to help me sleep. Well we'll see you tomorrow Y/n, Shuuya said. I nodded. I had a lot of fun, I said smiling brightly even though it was a tired smile they knew I did have a lot of fun. We're glad Y/n now get some rest, Shuuya said. I nodded and they left the room. I sighed softly and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.
End of Y/n's p.o.v.

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