Chapter five

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The next day* Shirou's p.o.v.
I was walking down the street to the hospital. I volunteered to be the one to take her out side and hang out with her. To tell the truth I think I have feelings for Y/n. I want to finish the FFI with her but with her injured now there's no promise and I know that she may not be able to play again and even if she does get the chance she won't have long. But she can't have the surgery. I sighed as I passed the gate of the hospital and headed inside. I went to the elevator and pushed the fourth floor and went down the halls to Y/n's room. I stopped in front of her hospital room door. I knocked softly on the door. A soft "come in" was heard from the other side of the door. I opened the door and stepped inside. I closed the door gently behind me. Hey there Y/n, I said and smiled brightly at her. Hey Shirou, she replied with a soft smile. Want to go outside? I asked. Sure I would like to feel the sun against my skin even though I've only been in here for about a day I miss outside. She said with another soft smile. I nodded and wheeled the wheel chair over to the side of her bed. Need help? I asked. Yes please, she said softly I could tell she was slightly embarrassed by that. You don't have to be embarrassed I said. I know it's just I'm not used to this, she whispered. I know but you'll get better and then be back on the pitch with us I believe that, I said softly. She nodded. Yeah she said. Anyway let's get you in the wheel chair, I said. She nodded. I lifted her gently and set her in the wheel chair. Good? I asked. She nodded shyly thank you Shirou, she whispered. Any time, I said and smiled at her. So where would you like to go outside? I asked. We can go to the garden if you don't mind taking me there, she said looking at her feet. Sure we can go to the garden, I said. I wheeled her out the room and down the hall to the elevator. After I pressed the button for the bottom floor an elderly lady was already on the elevator. You to look like a great couple, she said to us. Oh no we're not together we're just good friends, I said. Ah well I apologize of assuming the two of you are a couple, she said and bowed. Oh no it's okay, we said in unison. Well I hope to see you two again sometime, she said and got off the elevator at the third floor. After she got off. Y/n was a blushing mess. I-I surprise she said that, Y/n mumbled. Well i guess that's something that can be denied we would make a good couple I guess you could say that, I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the elevator dinged. The metal doors slid open. I wheeled Y/n would of the hospital and to the garden.

Y/n's p.o.v.

As Shirou stopped walking we were in the garden I smiled softly. I was looking at the garden my eyes glanced over the garden for a second time. I saw a glass container that caught my eye. Hey Shirou can you wheel me over there a second? I asked. He nodded and smiled softly,yeah sure, he said and wheeled me over to the glass container. I rested my palm against it and it was cold like in Hakuren. I looked passed the glass and saw snow drops. Shirou look at them their really pretty,I said. yeah they are,he whispered as he stood beside me. Hey Y/n? I have a question for you, Shirou said and turned and faced me. I turned my head to look at him. Yeah sure whats up Shirou? I asked. Would you mind if I asked your father if he would allow me to take you to do think like around Inazuma town? He asked. I smiled softly,no I don't have a problem with it I would love to go around Inazuma town and do things with you it sounds fun,I beamed. Its starting to get late I think we should head back inside now,Shirou said. Yeah I guess so, I replied with a sad smile. If you want if your father doesn't allow me to take you out of the hospital campus I can bring you back here to the garden, He said with a soft smile. Yeah sure okay,I said.
Back to Shirou's p.o.v.
I went back behind Y/n's wheel chair and started to wheel her back inside. After we got back to her room I set her down gently on her bed and then she asked me a question.Hey Shirou remember the promise we made yesterday? She asked. Yeah I do why do you ask? I asked. Shirou what if- what if I am never able to play soccer again, what if I'm never able to walk again and play soccer with you Astuya or Shuuya? She whispered as tears started to flow down her face. I sat down beside her of the hospital bed. Y/n look at me, I said. She turned and faced me. Your way stronger then you know, I said softly. I know you can get through this I believe you can, I whispered softly. She wiped the tears out of her eyes. Atigatos Shirou, she said softly. Anytime Y/n, I said. Well it's starting to get late I should head back, I said with a sad smile. But I'll come and visit you again tomorrow. I said. She nodded, see you tomorrow Y/n I said. See you tomorrow Shirou, she said. I left the room and headed home. As I was making my way out of the hospital I ran into Y/n and Gouenji's father. Oh hello Fubuki-Kun. Hello Gouenji-San, I said. Um Gouenji-San can I make a request? I asked. He raised an eye brow at me. And what would that be? He asked. I know Y/n just got hurt and I knew she was just put in the hospital, but can I take her around Inazuma town to get things like Ice cream and just have fun while she's recovering? I asked. He sighed I don't see why not but you better keep her safe. He said. You have my word, I said. Well if that's all I'll bid you good day, he said and walked away. I can't wait for tomorrow, I thought as I left the hospital. I'll make sure Y/n has the best time ever. Till tomorrow Y/n, I thought as I fell asleep.

Twin sister of The legendary flame striker Gouenji Shuuya/ Inazuma eleven aresWhere stories live. Discover now