Niall's eyes widen, "I thought you weren't into that."

"I'm not, I'm gay, but I've seen her naked more than once or twice." Nathan says, causing Niall to lift his eyebrows up and down a few times. I make eye contact with Niall before I start to mouth words to him. He doesn't understand a word of it, but somehow Nathan gets all of it.

"Niall and I have gym together. The only reason why I know him is because I accidentally ran into him, and knocked him down on the floor. I'm surprised I did, I'm anorexic, and he's a lot bigger than me. I'm not saying you're fat, I'm saying you're healthy." Nathan admits about his personal life.

"You aren't fat, Nathan." I throw a french fry at his chest, causing it to fall onto his crotch.

"God, someone's a flirt. Pick it up, and eat it." He demands, and points at the french fry on his crotch.

I look up at Niall to find him staring directly at me, waiting for a response. "Okay-"

"With your teeth." He winks at me. I bend over, and carefully grab the french fry with my teeth, without touching his crotch. I release my grip around the fry, and push it into my mouth with my tongue. "Impressive, not many people can do that." Nathan smiles at me.

"I started early." I say, covering my mouth as I chew.

"Earlier than me? I started for myself at ten."

"Not quite." I pout my lip. "So, do you two spend a lot of time with each other in gym class?" I ask, changing the subject.

"To be honest, I haven't spoken with him since the incident. How's your asshole, by the way?" Nathan throws a french fry at Niall, landing it perfectly in his ketchup.

"He's been okay." Niall says awkwardly, taking the french fry, and eating it.

"Awe, you even know the gender. I feel like mine would be a girl because it's very small and fragile. I'm not discriminating against women, they can be very fragile though." Nathan says, adjusting his glasses.

"What grade are you in?" I ask him, changing the subject again.

"I'm in Eleventh, but I would've been in Twelfth if I wouldn't have failed. I have a feeling I have to attend summer school, yet again." Nathan rolls his eyes, thinking to himself.

"I have to go to summer school, maybe we'll see each other." I take a hand through my hair.

"I don't understand why I have to go to school if I just want to work at McDonald's the rest of my life." Nathan openly admits.

"Then drop out." Niall suggests.

"My mother would kill me if she found out I dropped out. My step-father already beats me because I fail all of the time. Don't worry, though, I'm perfectly fine." He reassures us by nodding his head.

"Oh god, you are very open." I say as I take another bite of my hamburger.

"Zeke says that's why I should die, but I think it's a good thing. People trust me very well because I say everything that's on my mind." Nathan says taking a fry off of my tray. "You two aren't together, so what do you like?"

"I like men, and Niall likes both." I say, pointing to Niall with my pinkie finger.

"Oh, so you like men, not boys?" Nathan mocks my choice of word. "How old are we talking about?" He raises an eyebrow at me, getting suspicious.

"A hundred thousand." I say with a serious expression on my face.

"How is it that I never met you two? I thought I was the only person into men at this school." He chuckles at me, and reaches across the table to eat some of Niall's fries.

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