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Tuesday, March 18, 2014.

Harry's POV

Ever since I left the hospital a month ago, I have had nightmares about Dylan every night. The same dream of Dylan's death replays over and over again. I wake up with a panic attack, and I'm not able to fall back asleep until I make sure he's okay.

I put my hood over my head, trying to avoid the cold temperatures March has to offer.

He's okay, he's okay.

I try to stay calm as I walk to the hospital. Suddenly, the feeling that someone is following me returns. I turn around to find no one.

I am going crazy...Unless I can sense when spirits are around me, other than that I'm crazy.

I look forward again, ignoring the strange feeling. I begin to run, approaching the large building. I quickly enter it, and make my way to the elevator. I press the button labeled with a number I know by heart.

He's okay, he's okay.

After what seems like forever, the elevator arrives to the correct floor. I get out, and run down the empty hallway. I stand in front of the window, and place my hands on the glass. I sigh when I see my child sleeping soundly.

My baby is okay.

I smile to myself, and sit down on the floor beside the large window. I begin to cry, imagining what it would've been like if my dream came true. I close my eyes and exhale, trying to calm myself down.

He's okay.

I wipe away the tears from my cheeks, and lay myself down on the floor. I try to get comfortable on the hard floor, soon discovering that it's nearly impossible. I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep, remembering I have school today. I begin to fall asleep, when the constant beeping of the monitors force me to lay wide awake. I stare at the ceiling, silently regretting my decision of staying another night.

I go through the same thing everyday, you would think I'd at least bring headphones by now.

I continue to stare at the ceiling when I suddenly hear a clicking sound. The sound approaches me, getting louder and louder each second. I look up to see a women running in one high-heel towards me. I close my eyes, and open them again when I feel the lady's single high-heel pierce through my shoe.

"Ow." I shout, but the lady continues to stand on my foot.

"My baby!" The woman cries, and stays on my foot. I watch as a man stands behind the lady, and rubs her shoulders.

"She's okay, honey." A familiar man says. I push my body up from the ground, and try to free my foot.

"She is beautiful!" She exclaims as the man begins to continuously peck the girl's cheek.

"We are the luckiest people in the world." The man whispers loud enough for me to hear. They both look at each other directly in the eyes as the woman smiles at the man. I watch as the two of them begin to make out. I look at the woman's feet noticing her other foot is covered in a slipper.

Of course my foot has to be crushed by the single high-heel.

"You are the greatest husband ever, I'm so blessed for such a wonderful life filled with wonderful people." The woman says between each kiss.

I'm so blessed that I don't give a fuck that I am stepping on a random stranger's foot. Fuck you, Disney princess.

"I'm even more blessed for such a great child, thank you." She says to Jeremy, Liam's neighbor who called the cops on me.

Thank you for impregnating me and having me carry a living creature inside of me for a full fucking nine months, while you sat on your ass and ate chips all day.

"Let's go back to the room." The prince says to Cinderella as he carries her back to her castle. I grab onto my now free foot, and squeeze it to take away some of the pain.

Thanks for the apology.

I rest my head on the wall, and close my eyes. I try to fall asleep, ignoring all of the noises coming from the monitors. After ten minutes, I am awoken by a gust of cold air.

"I'm here, what did you need?" A voice asks from beside me. I rub my eyes, and yawn. I open my eyes to see Niall's frowning face looking at me. "It's five in the motherfucking morning, you better have a reason for this." Niall complains. I lean my head on his shoulder before yawning again.

"I had another dream that Dylan died." I say with a groggy voice. He laughs at my voice, and tries to imitate me. "Shut up, I was trying to sleep."

"Tell me what the fuck you need." Niall shouts in my ear.

"Ow." I groan.

"Tell me what the fuck you need." He slowly repeats himself, demanding for an answer.

"I needed someone to be here with me." I say in a child's voice. I frown at him, and pout my lip.

"Awe, poor baby." Niall teases me.

"Shut up, I was freaking out." I close my eyes again as Niall laughs at me. His laughter eventually dies off, and Niall grabs onto my hand. I nuzzle my head into his shoulder, and think to myself.

"There were these two, uh, married people who were just here a few minutes ago. They kept smiling, and saying they were happy...Even when their child is stuck in a room surrounded by other ill children." I swallow hard, trying to hold back my tears. "They kept saying how they were thankful for each other, even when they know their child might not survive." I choke on my words as my breathing hitches. Niall's grip tightens, allowing me to find the strength to continue. "Why can't I be like that? Why can't I be happy even when something terrible happened to me?"

"I know right." Niall trails off. He leans his head on top of mine, and silently begins to cry. I stop crying, and suddenly realize how pathetic we both are.

"We're idiots." I laugh at the two of us. Niall joins in, nodding his head.

"Yes, we are." He breaks from my grip, and wipes his tears off of his cheeks. "I have to get going. My mum is going to go in my room to wake me up, and I won't be there if I don't head home now." He says before I take my head off of his shoulder. He and I get up from the floor before I yawn again. Niall interrupts my yawning, and wraps his arms around me.

"Fuck you, motherfucker." I whisper in his ear after I finish yawning. I wrap my arms around him as he laughs idiotically at me.

"See you at school." Niall says when he finally calms down. He pulls away, and slowly walks away from me.

"Bye, Niall." I shout to the man in front of the elevator. I watch as Niall enters the elevator, and quickly pops his head out.

"Harry." He calls out.

"What?" I ask confused why he isn't leaving yet.

"I love you."

He's so stupid.

"Love you too, Niall." I roll my eyes at him with a smile on my face. I watch as Niall officially enters the elevator.

Niall will always make me happy when I'm upset, and I don't care if that makes me a dork.

Chances. » Lirry/NarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora