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Saturday, March 22, 2014.

Niall's POV

I sigh, standing nervously in front of the door. I hesitantly twist the doorknob. I make a small crack, big enough for my small body to fit through. I quietly close the door, and tiptoe over to the stairs. I put all of my weight on the one stair, causing it to creak loud enough for my brother to hear.

"Niall!" He shouts when he turns to see me. I turn my head, and make eye-contact with my younger brother.

"Shhh." I try to shush his screaming. Buddie runs over to me with his arms spread out. "No, Buddie-" I whisper before getting interrupted by my mother's shouting.

"Niall Horan, where the hell were you!?" She shouts, entering the living room from the kitchen. I turn my entire body around to face my mother. "I called the school, and they said that you were absent for the last periods of the day. Where the hell did you go? You weren't skipping, were you?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I missed you!" Buddie shouts from in front of me, and tries to jump up so I can hold him. I ignore my brother, and look down on the ground.

"It was Harry, wasn't it? Ever since I let you spend time with him again, you've been taking advantage of it. You are still grounded, Niall James." My mother says my middle name to emphasize how mad she is.

Yes, because when you're grounded you are allowed to hang out with your friends. That totally makes sense.

"It wasn't Harry-"

"Where the hell did you go?" My mother interrupts me.

"I was at Liam's." I tell her the truth.

"Why were you at Liam's?" She asks through gritted teeth.

"You wouldn't understand." I whisper.

"Niall, tell me." She demands in a low tone of voice. I sigh, realizing there is no way out of this.

"This one person at my school beat me up because he wants to kill me...I left school, and walked to Liam's. He fixed me up, and took care of me while you were busy at work." I say, hoping she doesn't make a mountain out of a molehill. I look up at her face as her cheeks lose their red color.

"Who wants to kill you?" My mother asks, actually caring for once.

"This guy named Kyle...He wanted to ever since I came out." I rub my tongue over my broken tooth.

"I can call the school, and tell them that he's picking on you-"

"No, I told you that you wouldn't understand." I interrupt her, rolling my eyes at her stupidity. "He is physically abusing me, mum. He hurts me, and no one believes me except for the people who've witnessed it." I look down at the floor, noticing Buddie's bare-feet are no longer there. "I've tried to tell teachers...No one does anything about it."

"I don't know what to do about it, then." She lets out a loud sigh. I look back up to see that she is visibly calmer than before. "I'm sorry that it happens, Niall. People today are just cruel, much like your father."

Of course she has to mention the man who broke her heart.

"Do you know Liam's address, Niall?" My mother asks, shocking me out of my thoughts.


"I want to thank him for helping you while I was busy. For once, the man isn't acting childish." She interrupts me.

"Can't you just call him?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I want to thank him in person." She crosses her arms as well, mocking me. I let my arms hang to my sides.

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