Chapter 10

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??? POV Flashback

???: Humans...the weakest creatures to live on this pathetic world. But what makes them so weak, you ask? Their judgment. Humans will always build their corrupt society as they please. Anyone slightly different will be treated like aliens. It's always been like that in history. Whether it's mindset, race, gender, etc. They will always be aliens. I also hate how undecided they are. They go on one side to benefit themselves just to switch to the winning side to keep their pride. They're too gullible, they don't care about what truth is said. As long as it's the truth they want, they'll accept it. They'll twist the truth in order to satisfy themselves. When they're too lazy, they'll kidnap other humans from their land and make them slaves. Only now they want those people out of their land. Don't forget who brought them there in the first place, you measly worthless cum brained lizard. What makes me hate them the most is that they'll always defend the person of their choice. More likely the more acceptably looking ones and act like what they do is right no matter what. Even if they drive someone mad, instead of just accepting it's their fault, they'll pull whatever excuse they have out of their asses. Oh they don't know any better their just a child. Women can't rape, so it's the men's fault. Man up, get in the kitchen. Oh I'm a man so women are weak. I'm a minority so I don't know what goes on here. They're treating the stuff they can't control as a crutch. In a disaster humans will do one thing: make it worse. They'll blame anyone but themselves. Humans are the real virus. Humans are the real leeches. I have a dream: I want this world to be equality. A world where no one will be an outcast. A world where people who do bad stuff will get the right amount of punishment. I want a world of vengeance. Anyone who is with me shall live in this world. All who goes against will be terminated. After this, the world will truly heal. No hope, no despair, just vengeance. If you want to stop me, go ahead, I'll be waiting. Prove to me that humans can change. But it's worthless isn't it? No matter what there will always be corrupted humans. These guys are no exception. I am also not an exception. All we  do is kill each other over and over again. I am a worthless being in a worthless world. With that, I must pursue my role. I just have one promise. I will win this killing game. I will make my dream come true. Even if I have to die for it to happen. I will hear the screams of humanity fade away in pain. There is no beauty. All hail vengeance.


I was sitting in bed crying after what happened tying to calm myself.

Aoi: D-Don't cry H-Hina, it won't solve anything. I know, a f-few donuts will help me.

I went on my way to get donuts and I saw a green light. I went to check to see what looks like...Chihiro? I screamed out of fear.

Makoto POV

I went to the meeting spot and everyone was a little tense. I think I know why.

Makoto: Good morning.

Aoi: Morining Makoto.

Sakura: Morning.

Makoto: Uh...Taka?

Taka was silent, poor guy watched his best friend turned into butter before his very eyes.

Celeste: He was like this ever since he got here.

Mukuro: Probably because of Mondo. Which reminds me, this place is getting empty. I guess it makes sense since 4 people are dead, 2 refuse to come, and 1 is...

Kyoko: A traitor.

Tension filled the air as we all know who she was talking about.

Makoto: I'm still confused about his reasoning. Why would he do this?

Yasuhiro: He's as scary as cow mutulation.

Makoto: What?

Kyoko: He means that theory where aliens take cows and eats them.

A Puppeteer's adventure (Danganronpa x Male Reader) (editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now