Chapter 5

353 41 40

Etta Pov

My money has always been a sensitive subject for him. I don't care about the money though. I'll do anything for him, but he won't let me pay for anything. Even when I know money is tight for him.

I dozed off and didn't wake up until the next morning. I get dressed for work and leave my apartment. I didn't see Caspian so I guess he left.

When I make it to work I sit down and get to work. Minutes later my cell phone rings and I answer it.


"Since you have an attitude I guess that means you don't have to let me know you made it to work."

Caspian said he'll never hit me again, but I'm not so sure, maybe moving in is a bad idea. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells and say the right thing to not upset him.

In a monotone voice I say," I got busy and forgot. My workload is heavy lately with this new account, is there anything that you wanted."

"So this is what we are doing. I guess you don't want to move in either."

I hear the threat in his voice. " I still want to move in with you. We love each other. I'm just busy that's all."

"Mmm, I'm bringing lunch to your office today and you need to be a little more cheerful."

"Of course. Like I said it's just work."

After I hung up with Caspian. I got to work on my accounts. I work for a company that imports and exports goods. Sometimes I hate it because big companies pay the people in China or Indonesia 2$ to make a shirt but charge Americans 34$ for the same shirt. We are responsible for making sure their goods reach America from China safely or whichever country they have making the product. This one particular client in Mexico wants to be difficult. He keeps calling me but I have been putting our conversation off because I know I will have to do a lot of apologizing and reassuring him.

As soon as I take the call he's firing rapid Spanish at me. He's mad as hell. Nobody else can talk to him because nobody else is bilingual on this floor. I speak several languages.

I switch to Spanish and reassure him that everything will be handled and he will have a discount on each crate on the next shipment. What I don't tell him is I really can't do anything about the tariff taxes. That's strictly the president of the United States. If he wants to raise taxes on overseas shipping then it's his right as president to do so.

Quan will just have to pay more for different shipping options.

As I'm speaking with Quan Caspian walks in with lunch. I quickly let Quan know that I got it handled but will give him a call back for next month shipping options.

I switched back to English. "Hey, what did you bring me? I'm starving."

"Shrimp Alfredo. How many languages do you speak? I've heard you speak two since I've known you," Caspian asked.

"I speak 4 languages, 5 if you include bad English."

He smiles and kisses me. "I'm so proud of you. I love your dedication."

I smile bright, " you do."

He nods, " now take a break and come eat and tell me about your morning."

"Nobody wants to pay, blah, blah, tell me about your day. Have you ever been asked to tattoo a weird spot like the bottom of someone's feet."

He laughs and tells me about his day. This is the Caspian that I know and love.

He says, "can you leave early today so we can get your stuff packed."

"Sure, but I'll only be packing my clothes. My furniture can go into storage."

Little Red Riding Devil (Toxic)(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now