Chapter 17

191 30 14

Etta Pov

I walk into work with an attitude. I huff. My father is making me mad. I finally broke down and called him for help. I needed to hide from Caspian until he cools off. Caspian is a very good tracker. I'm surprised I made it all the way back home with no incident. My dad finally decided he wants to be a dad. He moved me 40 minutes from the job, which pissed me off. He gave me clearance to use the underground elevator so that I could make it to work undetected. I should've kept my mouth closed and let Caspian find me and beat my ass. I still haven't called or talked to granny yet. I'm so nervous and embarrassed. Granny is a strong black woman. I can't tell her that what we planned didn't work. My granny is also successful. How will I tell her I'm a flop. She calls and leaves me messages all the time. I will call her soon, I told myself.

"Etta!!." I turn. Who the hell is calling my name like I owe them money. I see Bo running towards me in a panic.

"Bo. How did you get in here."

"I used my old badge."

"Hand that over."

"I will, but listen. You have to help Caspian. He's in prison and is facing 25 years. Please Etta. If you've ever loved him help him."

I gasp and grab my chest. "What about his father. The clan."

"No one will help him. They're leaving him to rot. Even the public defenders won't handle his case because they know he's a clan member. Etta please. I'll owe you. This is my childhood friend. He's a damn psycho, but you know he means well and he doesn't mess with anybody. He just became so obsessed with black men all of a sudden. Every black man with a certain build or complexion he'd go crazy."

This is all my fault. "Bo. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Etta." He walked off. I turn and go back to my car. I can't concentrate right now. I need to familiarize myself with Caspian's case. I can't shake the fact that this is all my fault. I know Caspian wouldn't let this go.

I'm a nervous wreck. Caspian could spend the rest of his life in prison. When I make it home I run in and fall on the floor and cry.

My phone rings and it's granny. I let it go to voicemail. On second thought I want to talk to her. I need her right now. I press 1 on my phone and listen to all my voicemails from her.

Etta what happened, call me back.

Did you go back home,call me .

Chile you working on my nerves ya hea . Answer this hea damn phone.

Etta, I got yo ass, Jr, hand me my purse and pistol. Some done happened to my baby. Let's ride.

I giggle a watery laugh. How could I have thought this woman would judge me. She loves me. I pick myself up off the floor and call her back.

She answers on the first ring


"Gul whatna hell is wrong with chu. Ignoring my damn call like you grown. Don't think because you all them miles away I won't come up there and put my foot in your ass na."

"I'm sorry granny. The whole thing with Caspian was a fail. I hurt him and now he's in trouble, granny. Granny, I need you. I'm scared ."

"What da hell he do."

"I don't know. From what I heard he raided black bars and had it out for every man that fit the description of Jonas. Granny, this is all my fault. If I never would have taken it that far then he wouldn't be so hurt."

"Hush chile. This is on me too. But just because he didn't act the way you wanted him to right then doesn't mean it didn't work. I'm finna send somebody your way. And the next time I call, you better answer that damn phone. Do you hear me, Etta Jane?"

Little Red Riding Devil (Toxic)(Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora