Chapter three

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As I was being carried up into the air I screamed, mostly from frustration and partly from anger and annoyance. And then I began to fall. Then I screamed from fear. I hit the ground with a thud curling up into a ball and then jumping back up like I was trained to do, facing the monster. Nine heads leered back at me sweaty,scaly and sickly smelling. It was massive, poisonous green and disgustingly smelly. The hydras smell assaulted my nose. It was the smell of death.

So I did what any hero would do.

I ran.


My screaming and the hydras loud roaring must have attracted the people of camp because, as I was running fiercely I saw people gather at the edge of camp pointing and gasping. And although I didn't
look back I could hear the slithering of the hydra coming closer and closer.

 And although I didn't look back I could hear the slithering of the hydra coming closer and closer

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The smell told me that the hydra was coming. The smell also made me gag and I almost threw up but never mind that. (I did actually throw up but I'm choosing to ignore that). As I was running I was mentally leafing through my Greek mythology hydra knowledge.

- Don't cut of the hydras head it will grow back twice
- Offspring of Typhon and Echidna
- Is venomous
- Evil
- Hercules killed it (but it came back to life obvi)
- To kill chop off head and then burn

Ok ok. Chop off it then burn it I can do that, I can do it. As I ran panting heavily I scanned the ground for a stick long enough to burn. I kept running, running "AHA" I yelled. I yanked it up from the ground. Now, to set it on fire. I patted my pockets searching for the lighter I always carry around in case of emergency (while still running, I don't want to die) only to realize NO NoNOOo The lighter my only lighter was in front of the hydra who's nine heads were sniffing it.

I froze, my whole body tensing up. My breath was coming in short gasps. I calmed myself down focusing on my heartbeat. I knew I would need all my wits to get out of this alive, preferably in one piece. Three of the hydra heads looked up at me in unison and time seemed to stop. I had never been this close to death before and, to be honest it was scary. I could feel the eyes of all the hydra heads on me now, as well as the eyes of all the people from camp. The hydra heads all opened their mouths enveloping me in a deadly stench that almost made me pass out. But I prevailed. I waited. The hydra seemingly confused at my lack of fear did not attack. I eyed the lighter and lunged. Somehow by some miracle the hydra was too shocked that someone was actually moving toward it instead of running away. I yanked up the lighter switched it on and threw it inside one of the hydra mouths. Then I started sprinting toward the camp.

Oh and another hydra fact
- The inside of a hydra is flammable

A/N I know this chapter is really short compared to the others sorry about that but hopefully the next one will be longer. Also bear with me I tried to kill the hydra in an interesting way idk if hydras are flammable or anything but I hope you like it. :) thx

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