
One of the women that worked the desk of the Argyle Public Library spotted them first on her way to put a stack of books back in their places. 

There was an empty bottle of rum laying on the floor, rolling back and forth between the wall and a bookshelf. Lying next to said bottle, were two teenagers, passed out on the floor. The younger of the two, the boy, was propped up against the shelf, his mouth hanging open, his school uniform torn and dusty. The girl was also covered in a fine layer of dust and soot, but was curled up on the floor right next to him, snoring lightly.

On the surrounding walls and surfaces were scribbled notes and math equations. On the space right above where the boy's head rested, was a large smiley face drawn over a plethora of equations. 

"Where are their parents?" Someone said in an amused tone, to no one in particular. 

"I'm going to call security," someone else stated, clearly annoyed with the discovery.

It wasn't long after a small crowd had formed, that two men came to pick them up.

Diego stared down at the two in annoyance. If he hadn't previously been so worried about his brother's well being, he would have teased him for this.

"Are they..."

"Drunk as skunks, yeah," he finished for Luther. Where the hell did this girl come from? She showed up at their house the day before, only to show up again with his brother, who had been missing for over a day in his eyes.

It was just then that Charlotte shifted on the floor. Her eyes fluttered, but stayed closed.

A few minutes later, Luther was carrying both Five and Charlotte, slung over his wide shoulders, walking down the dark streets with Diego. "Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment. For all we know, the girl might have a hit on her too."

"My place is closer," his brother supplied. "No one will look for them there."

At that moment, Five burped, waking himself up in the process. Luther grimaced, glancing at the boy perched on his shoulder. "If you vomit on me..." He warned.

Ignoring this, Five smiled, staring up at the sky. "You know what's funny? I'm going through puberty," he paused, letting out a scoff. "Twice!"

"You know what's worse?" The redhead questioned from beside him. She had woken up the moment they stepped out of the library. "Never leaving it!" She giggled at herself. It really was terrible and it wasn't something she would normally find this funny.

The sober brothers gave each other a concerned glance.

The fifteen year old looking boy chuckled at this, staring at the girl next to him. "Huh. We drank that whole bottle, didn't we?"

Once again, Charlotte broke into a fit of giggles. They had drunk that whole bottle on empty stomachs. For some unknown reason she found that hilarious. "Oh, my god."

"That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof." He rested a hand on Charlotte's back, who was still smiling in a drunken haze. She certainly didn't smile that much sober. "It's gone." 

His siblings observed this in confusion. Did Five know her from his time being gone? There was still so much that they didn't know about his time being gone and Charlotte just piled on more questions about his past.

Five dragged his attention from his pity party and the girl that he had just met. "What are you guys talkin' about?"

Sighing, Luther explained the event from the night before. "Two masked intruders attacked the academy last night."

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