A little mix -7

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Finally , today I'm going to meet my family after months..... I told my mom that I was comming today with my boyfriend!!!

She asked me again and again that - If I'm really having a boyfriend!!! It's really strange that you want your daughter to have boyfriend....

I laughed their reaction ----  I went near my wardrobe and wear this , never know this is so comfortable!!!!

I laughed their reaction ----  I went near my wardrobe and wear this , never know this is so comfortable!!!!

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I put on the required make up..... And out on my way to call Seonghwa!!

He told me to wwait for him near the subway.... I stood for a while I saw someone behind me I look befind it and saw him!! I got startled and twist my leg and leg but but to my surprised... 

I felt a hand on my wrist..... for a moment I froze but he pulled me up straightly.........

  "Be carefull!!"  he  said slightly in a low voice>>> I quickly nod 


The only thing I've notice is that every girl just pass by was looking at him.....like there was no tomorrow !!!  i mean , he is handsome but???? <loss of words>   'LEAVE IT'


We finally reached I was so excited to meet my brother and of course my MOM and DAD....

The other fact that ~~~~~ Seonghwa didn't even lutter a word. He just quitely watching his phone <nor did I talk to him> ..... Sometimes it just make me weird to be with him!!!!

I was there standing outside my house  'I MISS YOU , DEAR HOUSE!' I looked at seonghwa who was so weirdly looking at me!! 

"Are you going to go inside the house or just going to cry outside?" He said sarcasticlY and I glared at him....

He sighed and press the door bell~~~~ 



(Kim Han Jisung , my  younger brother )

(Kim Han Jisung , my  younger brother )

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(Kim Eunbi , my sister older than me)

Jisung eyes widned when he saw me " you didn't told me that you were cooming?" he hug me AND I HUG HIM BACK

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Jisung eyes widned when he saw me " you didn't told me that you were cooming?" he hug me AND I HUG HIM BACK .... I ran inside and fund out my dad in the living room , unnie and mom in kitchen -----

"Unnie~~~~~~~" I said and backhug my my dear unnie....  I MISS HER SO MUCH

" How are you? are you eating healthy!!!!!" she asked me, I nod continously whatever she was asking^^

My older sister is a MODEL , she work really hard to get that position . She is four years older than me and Jisung my  stup*d brother.... He may be younger than me but so Over- mature than me!!!

" WHERE is your boyfriend?" my mom asked when she saw Seonghwa entering and loud enough that he hear it I guess?

 "He is handsome, where did you get him?"my mom asked me.. i elbowed him that he was listening... " SIHYEON , I  didn't even have a boyfriend HANDSOME like him!! You are lucky than your sis!!" I frowned while looking at them>> They didn't know that we both were just acting!!

I went to Seonghwa , he look kinda of ???~~ "Are you fine?" I whispered to him he shook his head denying that he was perfectly fine .... My dad come and greet him , he greet him back "You both look cute!" Jisung said and my dad laughed at us "DAD!!" I frowned at him . 'YOU DUMBASS, HAN JISUNG'

He noticed me that I was blushing and he elbowed me and I look at him 

"We look cute together!" He said and to my surprise he pinch my nose  and I stood there dumbfolded ---------- WHAT THE F*CK JUST HAPPEND ?

He smirked at me... My eyes widned aand he walked away  'MY HEART, STOP BEATING SO FAST' I said and tried to stay cool like nothing happend ?


After eating , Seonghwa was there in the living room with my parents and Eunbi unnie... I was washing the plates and then someone came behind me --- I looked at my back and saw him!!

"Did you have fun sitting with my parents? " I asked him. He rolled his eyes playfully and  laughed at him... "It's tiring to act like your boyfriend! You are not even close to me"He said. I turned my head to look at him , I saw him having a 'Naughty' smirk formed in his lips. 

I looked down --- <Blushed> "You looked good while blushing!" He said and I blushed more!!   

"Are you tired?" I asked him out of the box , He nod while I could see his hair covering his other eyes... he look up to me and I imediately look down 'He is damn HOT'

After washing plates, he was sleeping while his head stuk with the wall... "he look cute!" I mumbled and giggle while looking at him... I woke him up and made way to my room :

"Come one! sleep here >> It will be more comfortable!!" First he looked at me and shook his head but I pulled him and made him sleep in the bed.. " sleep, it's more comfortable!" I said and covered him with blanket.. I was going down but he pulled my wrist ---






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