Love story -4

282 22 2

No one pov.
Sihyeon reaction to the two Cockroach was deadly , she ran onto the bed and covered herself with the blanket..

"What the fuxking hell is the cockroaches doing here in your house?"Sihyeon yelled at seonghwa who was blankly looking at her while crossing his arms ....

"What?!!! Try to remove them!!!"

The atmosphere was aKwArD at that moment...

Sihyeon forget that the bed was having black printed shoes onto the pure beautiful bedsheets and could see- Seonghwa was giving her a glare death.

She quietly went down of the bed  and apologize,  quickly ran and get out the house like a quick of flash that he could not catch her again!!... Seonghwa was looking at what she have done- because he clearly knew his grandfather was going to kill him, he face- palmed himself both physically and mentally and changed his clothes.


Poor Sihyeon could not breath away properly - his sexy body , 90° perfection jaw line , and of course six chocolate abs..... She was sweating unknowingly!!!

"Get out, don't think-- forget!!" She cursed herself and groaned rapidly. When she reach the University , she attended her first class but... Wait!!!!

Her eyes widened to see the same person she saw --- Park seonghwa!!!

She quietly run her hand onto a book to cover herself , luckily she pass- he didn't notice her ....

"Miss Kim Sihyeon are you okay?!" Her professor said which made every one glaze on her...

"I'm dommed!!" She muttered while she saw Seonghwa with a devil smirk at his face....

She left out a small sigh

Break time!!

"You look unusual!!" Aisha said and she quickly nod in insurance that she is okay, perfectly fine!!

Then suddenly some three to four boys came inside and ofc she could hear the good whispering about the boys that came in... One of them came to them and whispered something to Aisha (ofc Mingi)

Sihyeon was so aKwArD that time and unfortunately another came and whispered something to mia .....

"Am I being a third wheeler here!!?" She cursed herself and behave like she was okay!!!

"I'm okay , Kim Sihyeon you are okay!? No --- not okay !!"

She moved herself from them and make a way to the royal green free place where in she could inhale and of course not feel a Third - wheeler!!!

Later from ,Far , Far, Far , Far, Far away she could see him again . She sighed that he was far away from her.... She closed her eyes and opened ~~ someone was there besides her - Seonghwa!!!

She was about to stand and went away - but he pulled her to sit with him for awhile! "He doesn't look like he's angry at me" she thought and sit besides her hesitately ....

Moment of silence~~~~~~~~

"What's your name?"
"Sihyeon, Kim Sihyeon" he nod and stayed silent .

"Yours?" he looked at her disbelief that she didn't know him .... " You don't know me!!?" He said and she nodded purely 'No'......... She know him ever much but pretend not buldge it out that she know her....

"Park Seonghwa, Seonghwa" she nod and start looking at his grat features of his face , she couldn't deny that he was really God -damn handsome ....

"You really like staring at me?" Seonghwa said not showing any emotions only coldness.....

She removed her eyes and glaze while her cheeks telling she was really blushing .....

"I'm so-- sor-- sorry "she stuttered which made herself eyes big widened...

The bell rang "Bye" she smiled softly and said but he just passed by not even a Good bye...
"He is really not a gentleman! "
Mrs. Cold - hearted!!!

They parted away ..........

"My mind is settled down again now" Seonghwa said while breathing softly and tenderly....

"That was automatically generated by my body " she softly yelled at herself while tend to slap her non-living cheek and telling not to be red again-- funny!!

Seonghwa could see slapping her cheeks softly and tried to yelled at them .... He curved his lips shortly to smile

"she is cute!"

Who know that a cold- hearted person will say something like that?

"Who is cute?" San said which made him to make a straight face again....

"N-O --- no one!!" He stuttered

His friends just giggle under their breath and giggle to see Park Seonghwa to stuttered..


After the class ended, he went to the same place where Sihyeon and him sat there at the break together ....

He saw a sparkling thing and went there and saw an earring - Huggie which was gold and sparkled with diamonds which really looks expensive........

"Looks like she dropped accidentally!!" He said and put it on his upper shirt pocket secretly safe...

' Who know there love story just started? LoL!!!'

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( ◜‿◝ )♡

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