Chapter 42

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"Gavin everything was arranged we just need to go to Diana's house " Ark informed everyone

"As planned I will try to talk to her first and at those moments please make sure not to make a move but when they  got under control that's the time you will perform your task " Gavin said while fixing his bulletproof vest

"OK hope your plan of talking to her work and she will not be too hard because I can't promise that I'm gonna control my self " Dave said

"Ok, the team is here let's go " Ark said and his face was so serious

"One more thing be careful and stay safe please, guys don't get hurt OK " gavin said and hugged his friends

"Yeah you too, let's do this " Ark said and patted each others back

***The day before ***

"Levi? " it was Diana who was calling him but he didn't respond

"Hey I was calling for you, bakit di ka manlang sumasagot" Diana's voice was irritated

"Sorry I didn't hear you " he replied very shortly not even looking at her

"Ok do have time I just wanted to go for shopping today you know, matagal tagal na din tayong di lumalabas eh " she said and sit into his lap encircling his arms around his neck

"I'm busy maybe next time " he said and continue on his laptop

"You always told me next time but when I asked you, you don't want " she said

"Diana I'm busy " he said and stand up

"You know what ever since those guys showed up you've changed a lot what's wrong with you Levi !" she said shouting at him as he walked into the dining room

He didn't respond because if he let his temper slip maybe he could ruin their plan not now that Diana trusted him already ,Diana was about to say something again when her phone rang

"Arrrggghhhh!!! " she scream and dash into their room, Gavin followed her to know who call her he put his earpieces so that he could hear what the caller gonna told her

" What!! "

"We saw her best friend coming out from the Williams mansion and I think they didn't bring security guard "

"Where are they going "

"They're heading at the grocery store , what will gonna do with them "

"Don't touch them yet let them pass this time coz I think gavin sense something, he's acting weird lately "

"Yes boss "

"Just look for their strange behavior and his wife it's more important I wanted her to be out of our lives "

"Yes ma'am "

Gavin remove the earpiece he clenched his jaw and he turn his hand into fist he wanted to confront Diana and wait maybe he could hit her now but he keep his temper and dashed out then went to his friends place

***Present ***

He arrived at Diana's house earlier than the authority believing that maybe he still can talk to Diana and fix everything

"Where have you been I've been waiting for you overnight! " Diana whined upon seeing gavin

"Diana can we talk"

"Of course babe, about what "

Gavin couldn't speak for a moment cause he doesn't know where to start so that everything will turned out great

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