#6 ~ Hyunjin ~ Stray Kids ✔︎

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A childhood crush... most people think it's just some kind of puppy love and it'll be over as soon as it came, but it's nothing like that for you. Your childhood crush is more than just puppy love. He makes you feel things, more than only butterflies. It all started when you were six, you were in his class. At first everything was normal and you didn't know him very well, but then suddenly when you made eye contact, you felt something. A special chemistry. That's were it all begon.


You're 15 now, almost 16. Ten years has passed and what's supposed to be puppy love is still there. Every time you see him, you get a raising heartbeat, you start blushing and you get shy. You're not really a talkative person, you mostly talk only to the people you know well, your friends. Only when you are forced to speak to someone else, you open your mouth.

A next year of school was about to start and according to the list he was still in your class. Nothing really changed since childhood, you still didn't dare to talk to him, but would always secretly glance at him. The only thing that actually changed is that you're older and regret you confessed to him when you were 13. He wasn't the same person every since. Maybe he thought it wasn't serious when you told him you liked him through a personal message on social media, but he knows you long enough to know you don't really do such things for fun.

Love is like poison, it hurts very badly and it can kill. That's exactly how you feel about it. Ever since you confessed to him, he has been playing you. Making eye contact on purpose, smirking when you got caught staring at him, touching your arm, hand or even ass when he passes you. It makes you go crazy and even though he rejected you in a friendly way, you didn't know he could be such a jerk, but no matter much you wanted to hate him, you just couldn't.

He plays with your heart and you can't forget him. You thought you did when you didn't see and didn't think of him for 5 months since everyone was in quarantine due to a virus, but when you saw him again everything hits like a train. It made you realise how this puppy love destroys you.

Yesterday, you took your dog out for a walk, knowing you would see him if you pick a certain path. He takes the same road as you if you go out with your dog. The only difference is that he bicycles to the north while you walk to the south. Everyday again, always around the same time. Yesterday, you saw him for the first time in a very long time with his friend. It was a habit of you to pick this street even though you know you'd always see him... Secretly, you walked there because you wanted to see him. You knew it was wrong to pick up the habit again, but it was a certain urge that made you do it. You couldn't stop yourself.

It felt great to see him after so long, but it was just the same as before. The friendly 'hi' he said when he saw you, made your heart beat like crazy, but the fact he winked, made everything worse. You thought you lost these strange feelings, but even after so long, they were still there. It made you cry on the spot. How could you ever lose them? He's a dangerous boy. Hwang Hyunjin is a dangerous boy.


September. School just started again. Unfortunately for you, the list was right and he was still in your class. In the lessons, it was very hard to keep your eyes of him. He caught you staring a few times already and it was only morning yet. You're afraid he'll think you stalk him, but honestly, you just want to get him out of your head.

Whenever you see him, it's like there's a river of feelings and emotions inside you. You've cried a few times already and you don't know where you get those tears, because you really thought you cried them all out last time. "I have to get hem out of my head ...." You said to yourself and whispered the next words after a few seconds: "and out of my heart"

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