#3 ~ Chen ~ Exo ✔︎

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Antis not allowed here ('̀-'́)
This one is for Jongdae coz I'll always show him my support  x


28 april 2020.
When Jongdae came home with his wife after having diner with both their parents, he noticed that she remained silent. Something was off and he didn't know what it was. "Jagiya is something wrong?" He asked concerned, hoping she is feeling well, but deep down he knows something is off. She answered by shaking her head, but Jongdae knew she was lying. She's not feeling quite well. The date is almost coming and she's already nervous about giving birth. Especially now when her mom told her she needs to be prepared. Giving birth is an intense process.

The pregnancy went quite well and there weren't much troubles. Everyone was excited for the baby. Well except for the antis, but who cares about them? Now that his wife is already more than 8 months pregnant, Jongdae realized he's actually very lucky. Who would think he was the first to start a family? To marry and have a child? He's actually very happy to live with the one he loves and to have a child with her. He can't wait for the baby to be born and be a father. He wants to be the best dad ever.

"Jagiya you should rest up. Let's go to sleep." Jongdae's voice was soft and showed concern. His wife knew that if she didn't listen to him, he would be more worried, so she did what he suggested and honestly, she was pretty tired, so they went to bed. A good sleep would do her body very good, but even when her sweet husband hugged her while sleeping, she couldn't. Her eyes just wouldn't close for some reason.

She carefully turned around, not wanting to wake Jongdae up. He was already sleeping very deeply. Maybe if she lays in a different position, she would finally fall asleep, but she was wrong. No matter how much she tossed and turned, she just couldn't. A couple of hours passed and she sighted and went to the kitchen to drink something. Maybe a fresh glass of water would help, she thought while feeling the cold glass against her lips when she drinks, but deep inside she gave up on sleeping. She knew this night would be one without a rest. Her back was killing her. It was hurting much after a long day, but then suddenly, she felt a sudden cramp in her belly.

She felt pain and went with her hand towards her belly when another cramp came. This one was more intense and she instinctively grabbed the chair with both hands to keep balance. It happened before, but these cramps were a little bit more painful and alarming. Another lightning of pain made her clench her hands more onto the chair, but she realised she needs her Jongdae.

She shouted his name a few times, trying to wake him, but when she didn't hear any sound in the bedroom, she assumed he couldn't hear her. She breathed out for a moment, finding courage to walk, but those cramps were really heavy. When she carefully moved a little towards the room where Jongdae was sleeping, she noticed the water on the floor. Her water broke.


Jongdae woke up when he heard his wife shouting his name. The still warm area next to him, made him realise there was something wrong. His wife has never woken up in the middle of the night before. It's not a thing for her. When she falls asleep, she sleeps very deeply. Jongdae gets up and leaved the bedroom. He was tired because it was 4am but when he saw his wife he was clearly awake. He immediately realised what was going on.

"Jongdae~ya." Her soft voice made his heart skip a beat and his eyes found hers. "We need to go to the hospital." He said concerned, taking her hand and leading her to the car, but it was hard for her to walk with those cramps. So it took some time, but when she was in it, Jongdae immediately startes his car and rushes towards the hospital.


A few hours passed and Jongdae's wife woke up. She did a little nap while the dokters were examining the baby and from the moment she woke up, she saw Jongdae's face, she asked him how the baby was doing. He told her he didn't know yet, they were still examining their daughter, but then suddenly almost one second later, the doctor came with their daughter and told them everything was alright. He handed her over to her mother. Jongdae looked at her with a smile. She was sleeping and looked so pretty. Being here with the ones he loves and that they're both so beautiful and healthy. Jongdae couldn't be more happy.

I'm so happy for Jongdae. He must be so happy ''
About the story I don't really know the details of giving birth, so I just wrote some things I'm quite sure of like the cramps and that... actually I'm quite insecure about the whole story but yeah hope you liked it I'll be going bye~

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