#4 ~ Johnny ~ Nct 127 ✔︎

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For JM

You didn't know what was happening. Everything was turning upside down and inside out. Your stomach pushed all of it back up and you could feel the alcohol and the drug inside your body, making you dizzy. Everything was moving and you couldn't stand on your feet. Your head was craving for a painkiller. It was aching so much, made it feel like a spewing volcano.

The only reason why you were here was to escape from everything, but you weren't even supposed to come. Everything was messed up and you felt dizzy as fuck. He did something in your drink and you knew it so why still drink it? Why not throw it away and ask for another one? Maybe because you wanted to forget your whole life even if it was just for one night.

You stopped vomiting, couched twice before sitting up straight against the plastic wall between the toilet cubicle you were now in and another one. You closed your eyes for a second. Everything was fucked up, your whole life was fucked up. You stood up, looked at your vomit for a second, activating your gag reflex. You flushed quickly, went outside the narrow toilet cubicle.

The music was playing loudly, the ground slightly shaking from the people in the other room and the fact no one was in the bathroom besides you made you extra sad. It made you feel like no one was there for you, as if you were alone. The tap water was making soft noises and it felt soft on your skin when you washed your hands. You hadn't looked in the mirror yet, afraid of how you would look, but once you did, your eyes widened in shock.

It was more terrifying than you could ever imagine. Your makeup was all over your face, looking awfully and there was some vomit in your hair. Your beautiful eyes looked puffy and red and your lips were swollen. There were scars on your wrists and bruises. A past memory went through you, realising what had happened. You fell on the ground, shaking. The light suddenly flashed, making memories you don't want to remember float into your mind. Who knew you were going to be raped when he offered you a drink?

You couldn't hold it any longer, it became all too much. You weren't as strong as you thought you were. In fact, you're weak. A tear escaped your eye, started sobbing right away and one second later there were two little waterfalls starting from your eyes falling down your cheeks. Why did you trust him when you didn't even know him? All he said was just an act. He doesn't care that you're here, hugging your knees, broken. He just a stranger who used you for sex.

You kept crying, didn't hear the music who was playing through the walls, didn't even hear the water flowing from the tab you didn't close. You felt miserable. You really thought you clicked with him, but god you were wrong. He's a player, a rapist, probably already going for the next victim. How come people are that bad?

You closed your eyes, tears still finding their way down your cheeks. If only you had listened to your mind, not your heart... Suddenly, the door of the bathroom opened, a boy glancing inside. You looked up, didn't even want to imagine how he could see you, but when your eyes met for a few seconds, you felt chemistry. You were not alone anymore. He came in, eyes concerned. He didn't know you, but he could sense what happened. You needed help.

From the moment he thought he heard sobs, he knew he couldn't ignore it, so he followed the sound and found you. He came closer towards you, slowly, not trying to scare you. He locked eyes, his hand slowly going towards you, for you to grab it. He wanted to help you. You looked deeply in his eyes, couldn't see anything else than concern and love. He was a good guy, he could help you and that's the moment you realised you were at your lowest point and you needed someone, so you grabbed his soft hand, because he was the only one who cared for you at this moment. The moment you needed it the most.

~7 months later~

You were out with Johnny for groceries. Ever since the two of you met in that bathroom, you became very close, even living together now. You didn't want to live with your toxic parents anymore and he was planning on moving, so both of you decided to divide the rent and live together. "Oh we almost forgot rice." Johnny said and rushed to get some. Meanwhile you were searching for some bubblegum, when suddenly someone accidentally touched your shoulder with his. He didn't even bother apologising and just walked away as if nothing happened, but gaze went towards that person, making you frozen. It's him.

Past memories and anxiety came to you and your mouth went dry. It's him. He's here. Johnny came back with some rice and asked you something, but you couldn't hear him, couldn't answer. He noticed something was wrong and quickly grabbed your hand, saying your name a few times to get your attention. You started shaking, your legs became weak. He's the reason you didn't want to live anymore.

Johnny kept saying your name, but it didn't help, because you were having a panic attack. You crashed down on the floor, a lot of people gathered around you, came too close, so Johnny asked them to give you some space. You started crying, being remembered to that party. Johnny said soft words to you, trying to calm you and some minutes passed by when you finally came back to your senses.

You stopped crying, your eyes hurting and you looked at Johnny. He's the reason you wanna live. You made eye contact, realised he's your happiness. You whispered some words with a weak voice towards him. "Thank you for being by my side. I wouldn't know what I would be without you." You took him closer to you and started hugging him, while he gave you a small kiss on your forehead. "And I wouldn't know what I would do without you."

Ok this was hard. It wasn't meant to be a one shot but here it is. My friend asked for a sad story with a happy ending. Well I quite gave it a sad vibe but maybe the ending should be happier? idk I feel like Johnny wasn't long enough in the story. ( • _ •)

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