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Your absence in this world is the,

presence in my world.

You laugh seeing the fake cry,

I smile along with you,

There is silence around noise,

You roam around the corners

with glee,

Nothing to care for,

Nobody to please.

Your absence in this world is the,

presence in my world.

Welcoming you into my land,

You look amazed,

I'm shy,

Both of us are dazed.

In my rose-coloured world,

You are present,

When others scream "You are hallucinating".

You look at me with sad smile,

I give you bright smile.

Your absence in this world is the,

presence in my world.

As you are present in my world,

not theirs.

They are jealous,

They envy me,

You are with me,

not them.

They snap "He is gone."

Yes, I agree,

He is gone from,

Manipulative, conditional, selfish world

of yours;

I say them.

They call me "mad".

"I'm mad for you",

The ever cheesy line of yours.

Every night,

those words were my sleeping pills;

opening me into La La land,

doing our broken dance,

you laughing at my

two left feet.

Your absence in this world is the,

presence in my world.

Today the sky is dark,

not many diamonds up there.

Eyes squinting to find,

the one gem;

You appear behind me,

making me believe in

my white lie.

But there you are,

climbing your way up,

to become the gem,

I had been seeking for.

Only the night wrapping me,

into it's darkness.

You are the only light,

keeping my hope alive.

Mind with dark thoughts,

pushing me into storm of,

hap-hazard ocean.

Eyelids flooding with white light,

even closed.

Not every storm is darkness.

Some storm,

cleanses the darkness,

out of your life,

with a single stream of light.

May it be through,

end of tunnel or

a gem shining in complete dark sky.

Your absence in this world is the,

presence in my world.

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