Part 16

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sam pov  

school! school ! first those ass holes kidnapped me and then they want me attend a place of hell while bound to niall, well it could be worse but still starting a new school in the middle of no where just what i have always wanted to do. zayn did all the paper work yesterday and "bought" me uniform, it was horrid a creased white shirt and a pair of navy blue trousers with a puke colour tie, can my day get any worse. zayn drove us up to a soot black old building that was the school, looked more like a prison if you ask me, i could see loads of kids shouting and hanging out side of the building every one of them looked big and rough kinda like zayn i suppose maybe they will be kinda nice like him. pft who am i kidding I'm going to go insane. me and niall got out of the car and made the silent tense walk to the main office where an old wart faced sour puss sat, we told her our names and she handed over our school schedules and locker numbers then went back to reading her tatty magazine called in the world of beauty ha if that's beauty i would hate to meet the beast. mine and nialls lockers were next to each others and were very easy to find and with our luck it was next to the caretakers office ewwww it stinks like a skunks butt. i kept my head down as we then walked towards our morning tutor room, niall was walking close to me and he had his head down as well i have to say  he seems to be more nervous than me well that's a first who knew they had feeling, well they would have feelings as they are all human but still he is im a powerful crowd zayn could easily kick these kids asses. walking into the tutor i was hit by the strong smell of damp and .....garlic ? the teacher looked up from her phone grunted and pointed towards two empty seats, well this school is so welcoming its like a summers day, ha yeah it is everyone stinks of sweat and the place is unbearable. as  soon as we sat down i could hear the other kids around me talking about us and they were not nice calling us tramps and poor ugly pricks. kids these days are so hurtful with their words and are so quick to judge ok so i am poor anyway but i have a better dress sense than this and there is no way I'm a fucking tramp. niall just sat their with his earphones in completely ignoring me. how I'm i supposed to live this hell. 

niall pov 

walking into school, so embarrassing it brought back all those bad memories i just hope i can cope, after getting schedules and settling into the tutor i had to face maths can this day get any worse this pathetic tight itchy uniform, kids all around me judging us and teachers that don't give a fuck about their pupils this is just horrid. sam and i was separated for maths as it turns out she is a fucking genius so she is in the higher set as me being a stupid dumb ass i get stuck in the lowest set how fun. i left sam without saying a word and made my way to the maths room and sat at a random desk near the back so no one would bother me and that's the way it was for the lesson i don't socialize and they all leave me alone i just hope sam is ok as i know zayn is worried for her and if he is worried something big is going to happen  i hate this game why cant she just leave and we go back to normal, one happy family ok so non of us are related but we are all each-other has. 

liam pov 

"where the fuck are the louis" i screaming at a very drunk louis, since sams disappearance he has been drunk everyday and i know he is hiding something he is ruining his life again just to hide information from me that is low. harry has been looking for zayn niall and sam for a week now and there is no sign this is so frustrating but i will find her and when i do they will all regret what they did. 


thank you for reading and im sorry its been so long but now i have a working laptop i will post more sorry not my best work for the chapter but i wanted to update and im working on 4 hours sleep so there might be mistakes :D hope you enjoyed this 

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