
Ambrose walks to his bedchamber, dragging his feet hoping he would run into someone in the hallway. Praying that someone would stop him and talk to him. To give him more time away from Johnathan.

His wishes seemingly come true as he spots his Uncle Ren down the hall.

"Uncle," Ambrose exclaims, rushing towards the older man.

Ren turns at the sound of his nephew's voice, opening his arms so he could catch the boy.

Ambrose launches himself into Ren's arms, wrapping his legs around his hips. He nuzzles his nose against Ren's neck, inhaling his familiar scent.

"I missed you," Ambrose murmurs, tightening his hold on Ren.

"I missed you too," Ren replies, chuckling softly. "Although, it has only been a week since I last saw you."

"I know, but I can't help it. I barely ever get to spend time with you whenever you visit the palace. Mama always keeps you to himself."

Ambrose slides down, Ren not letting go until Ambrose's feet touch the floor.

Ambrose realized that they were standing outside the bedchamber Ren slept in when he came to visit. There were more overnight bags than there usually was, making Ambrose's eyebrows furrow.

"Are you planning on staying for a while?"

"Actually," Ren says, glancing at the closed door to his bedchamber. "I am moving into the palace."

"You are?! That is wonderful news," Ambrose squeals, clapping his hands. "This means we can spend more time with you, right?"

"Well... I hope that this is a permanent move. I found my mate, Ambrose," Ren smiles, gesturing to his bedchamber. "He is going to live with me for the week. I hope that by the end of the week, I can convince him to stay with me. And if not, then I will live with him in his kingdom."

"His kingdom?"

"Oh, right. You already met him at the ball. He said he considered you a friend already. His name is Levi."

"You're mated to Levi?!"

Just as Ambrose speaks, the door to Ren's bedchamber opens and a tired Levi steps out. He rubs his eyes, reaching for another bag to take into the room.

His eyes widen, however, when he spots Ambrose. His face takes on a brighter expression, eyes sparkling with recognition.

"Ambrose," Levi exclaims, embracing the young prince. "How have you been? You have to tell me what happened that night. I am so curious as to what you decided."

"What happened," Ren asks, raising his eyebrow. Ambrose flinches, averting his gaze from his uncle.

Ambrose opens his mouth, searching for a lie to use as a cover-up so Ren wouldn't find out about Johnathan.

Just as Ambrose goes to speak, a voice calls out, making him flinch.

No! Anyone but him!

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