Part 11- A Day Just For Us

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Arohi's PoV:

A few months have passed since my birthday. I woke up with throbbing pain in my head. I reached out to my desk to take my pills to numb the pain. Just then Poseidon came up to me and started licking my face. "I'm awake, I'm awake baby relax", I said, struggling to get up. I freshened up and walked down to the kitchen. I saw my mom making my salad. "Good morning sweetie", she said and kissed me on my forehead. "Good morning", I said, pretty much aware that my voice sounded like a dragon's but I didn't care. 'Hurry up and have your salad. you need to take Possom for a walk too", she said. She couldn't pronounce 'Poseidon' in an Indian accent, sho she would her 'Possom'. I had my breakfast as quickly as I could and changed into something I could jog in. When I walked out of the house it was 6:45 am. The cloudy sky and the cold air gave me a clear will to take Poseidon out for a walk. At the gate, I saw Aarya and Cherry waiting for me. 

From the past few days, Aarya is making me follow a routine, which includes going for a walk at 6:45 am every day. Some days, when we feel a little more motivated than usual, we wake up at 5:45 am to watch the sunrise. While Poseidon and Cherry were busy playing in the grass, while Aarya and I sat on the bench. He caught my hand while I was busy catching my breath. "You know, you really shouldn't stop jogging for my sake", I said, still panting. "And miss the chance to hold your hand? Now why on earth would I do that", he said, being almost too adorable to not hug. But I was too sweaty to hug him, what if he gets disgusted. Just then he picked me up with both his arms and fell on the ground. I landed on his laps, and he on the grass. We laid there and staring at the sky until we realized it was time to go back. 

On our way back, we had a large glass of milkshake on one hand, and an ice cream cone in the other. While we walked, I saw him lick into the ice cream and looking so adorable. He saw me looking at him and started making funny faces while licking the ice cream, and all I could think was, "This is my idiot".

We reached my home to find my mom leaving somewhere. "Where are you going", I asked cheerfully. "I'm off to your dad's office. Apparently, we'll be there all day, so order something for yourself, and don't wait up for me", she said and kissed me on my cheeks. "But, who'll take care of me", I asked in immense confusion. "Oh that would be me", Aarya said as he sipped on the last bit of milkshake left. I was happier than I showed myself to be. A whole day, with this prince.

After we both took a long and relaxing shower, he suggested that we should watch a movie. So I got us some ice cream and we made ourselves comfortable on my couch. He had been hugging me all the time. And I'm not gonna lie that I loved it. His presence itself made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't imagine what I would've done without him. A life without is just meaningless. It's amazing how someone walks into your life suddenly and then the next day you wonder how you lived without them.

But the fact that I won't be able to be with him for long, makes me so unhappy. He has never failed to make me happy and he has been there for me whenever I needed someone.

I had started feeling sleepy but thankfully the movie ended soon and he said that he felt bored.

"I have an idea to cure your boredom!" I said excitedly. "You do? What is it?" He replied. "How about we write down all our favorite memories?" I said. "Yeah, good idea. Let's do that. I'll go first", he said.

For the next two hours we wrote down all our favorite memories together and I let out a sigh of satisfaction after finishing.
"You hungry yet?" Aarya asked. "Yeah, you?" I replied. "Yeah me too. Let's go eat." He said as we got up and arranged the mess we created.
"Oh, mom has kept lunch for both of us. " I said and we sat to eat.

"I'm so full. " I said as I lay down on the couch.  "You barely had anything," Aarya said as he sat down next to me. "Oh please. I ate a lot, like a LOT," I said and rolled my eyes. "Alright ma'am, as you say." He shrugged. "I'm sleepy," I said and hugged him. "Sleep then. I'll hold you close to me." He said and wrapped his arms around my body. I smiled weakly at him, realizing how easily he can make my heart flutter, and closed my eyes.

After what felt like an hour, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked. Slowly getting back my senses, I looked beside me and saw Aarya smile so brightly at me. A smile crept on my lips immediately and. "So you're finally awake?" He said and kissed me on my cheeks. "Yup," I said as I blushed tomato red.

So, what now?" I asked him as I got up and stretched my arms.
"You wanna go out somewhere?" He suggested. "Sure," I replied. "Great then let's get ready." He said.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked eagerly as we walked down the street. "I don't know, nowhere, I guess", he replied. "Perfect", I said, as I pulled myself closer to his arm. It was almost sundown and it was just my prince and I walking down the street, under the pink sky. I walked forward as he kept taking pictures of me. "Stop that I'm ugly right now", I said. "If u call that ugly, I don't think people are ready for beautiful", he said. "Wait what people?" I asked. 

Too late. My pics were now on his Instagram. He didn't even hesitate. The rest of our journey back home, he spent apologizing for it. He didn't remove it, but then his hug just made me wanna forgive him for even murdering me. On our way back, he bought us some milkshakes. By now I wouldn't even have to order myself. He understands my mood better than me and orders something for me. Sometimes, what he orders, is better and more appetizing than what I have in mind.

As we walked home sipping on our ice-cold milkshakes, I realized something. He was letting the world know about me in his life. Why didn't I ever do it? Then it hit me, he WAS my world.

Once we reached home, we got a call from mom. She might not return as early as expected, so she and dad would be coming home way after I'm asleep. So Aarya will be sleeping over. I quickly brought out face packs and the box, in which we out the sheets beholding our favourite memories. We put on music.  "Slow Dance' by A.J.Mitchell and Ava Max. We put on the face masks and not long after that, he reached out for me to cuddle me. I let him cuddle me as I took about some ice cream. I kept feeding him as he kept cuddling me. After a few minutes, I took the box in my hands to read our favourite memories.

I laid there in his arms, and started reading. The first one was mine. "I was 4 years old. I encountered a monkey and ended up playing tug-of-war against that monkey with a biscuite pack". He laughed. "That was brave you know? Right now that makes you the bravest girl I know", he told me. I hugged him and said, "Good to know". I picked up another from the box. This one was Aarya's. I read it aloud and believe me when I cried in the end. "It was the first day of school. I entered the school as lonely as i was since 2nd grade. Then out of the blue, there was a miracle and an angel walked into my class and sat next to me. I have been blessed ever since."

By the time i finished reading, i realized Aarya was hugging me from the back and his head was on my shoulder. I turned back forcefully, making him lose grip on me, and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back softly. "Queens don't cry, stop crying", he said. I didn't even realize I was crying until he pointed out. We kept hugging each other, and we fell asleep that way.

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