Part 2- A new day

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I woke up feeling different. I woke up how a normally healthy teenager(if there is a thing) wakes up. I walked downstairs to my mom's cooking and kissed her in the cheeks. "Good morning", I wished her. She turned back surprised. Someone's acting normal today", she said looking at me as though I just came out after plastic surgery. "Well that makes one of us", I replied. "It's just... you are acting SO different today". I just took a bite of an apple and went upstairs to get ready for school. I got ready just in time to have enough time to walk to school.

By the time I reached school, I went back to feeling how I felt yesterday at this time. I walked up to my place and did what I did every day at this time; writing my diary. At this point, I even forgot there would be another person sitting on my bench. I put my bag on one chair and my bag on the other. 


"Oh crap", I thought and turned back. Aarohi stood right there with her arms crossed. "You know, just because u carried my bag for me yesterday, doesn't mean you can conquer my seat", she said while simultaneously giving me a death stare. I didn't dare to speak another word and instead just took my stuff and moved to the corner seat, leaving one for her and one in between. 

The rest of the day went as normal as it could. I would either study or write my diary. Then was PT. The whole class rushed out, except Arohi and me. We remained inside the class. I've never been active in such activities. Normally I would just sit in a corner and make sketches. So I continued to do that. After a while, I looked away from my sketchbook to stretch my back. That was when I noticed something odd. Arohi's skin was pale. Probably vampire-like pale. That's when I put one and one together. She gets tired too quickly, she eats a lot of sweet to maintain blood sugar level, and she has pale skin. All these are common observations of... 

I walked up to her. It was the first time I was walking up to someone to talk. All of a sudden I forgot how to walk. Was it "right foot front; left foot slide"? Fuck, no that's a song. I did my best to pull my shit together and approached her. "Hi", I said. I sounded like a llama trying to speak like a human. So I cleared my throat and tried again. "I just realized something", I said, trying so hard to sound normal, and failing so miserably. "What?" she asked. I cleared my throat again and said, in a low tone, "you get tired too quickly, you need a constant intake of sweets to maintain blood sugar level, and your skin is damn pale". "So?" she asked as though I was accusing her of something. "These are observed in patients suffering from leukemia...". "Congrats, you figured it out. You want a medal for that?" she said, being as grumpy as an angry girl could be. "Is something wrong?" I asked her out of concern. "Fuck off!" The reply hit me like a bullet. Now I know that memes teach us how to understand that and it means we are supposed to ask "What happened" or something like that. But once you feel insulted, there's no going back. I went back to my seat and continued my sketch.

A few more classes, and then school was finally off for the day. As I walked back home, I saw Arohi again, in front of the ice cream parlor. I decided to go and talk to her, despite the resistance my ego offered. "Heyyy...", I told in the most comforting way I could. She turned around and saw me. Her pupils were dilated, it was swollen bellow her eyes a little, and her face was kinda pale(more pale than usual for her). Fuck, she was crying. I suddenly didn't know what to do. My body froze, I forgot how to move or how to speak, should I pat her head as I used to for my dog? Belly rub would be perverted, and so would back rub. What to do... what to do..?

Luckily the answer came to me by what she said next. "I lost my milk money". I put my hands in my bag to take out my wallet and bought her a milkshake. What she ordered wasn't only highly caffeinated, but also it had enough sugar to keep a normal boy up for two whole nights. 

As we walked down the street with her bag in my hand, she asked, "Was I rude to you earlier?". I looked at her offended. "Rude? You literally told me to fuck off". She just made her eyes wide, turned front, and continued sipping on her milkshake. "Aren't you gonna apologize?" I asked. "No. You were the person who approached me at the wrong time", she said. I just looked at her. Then she turned towards me and then both of us burst into laughter. Our walk home was good while it lasted. When it was time to write my diary, I made sure I wrote "today was good".

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