Part 7- Eyes Don't Lie

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I boarded the plane wondering why did I even agree to this. I'm doing all this for a girl I love only to remain in friendzone. And now I intend to change that. I put my hand on my bag to see if I can still feel that pendant I bought for her. On top of the Statue of Liberty, was where I was going to try my luck.

In the flight, I was sitting next to Ahana. For some apparent reason, she wouldn't stop giggling when I sat next to her. I thought of spending my time watching any movie. I offered Ahana to watch with me, and she agreed. She made us watch 'Five Feet Apart'. Now I agree that the movie is very emotional. But I'm sure that this girl emptied a whole damn box of tissues to wipe off her tears, and each tissue was used up to its 101% potential. After crying in that quantity it didn't take her long before dozing off even without a travel pillow. I thought I might watch another movie now before sleeping. Just then a guy comes up to me and asks to switch seats with him. He wanted a seat closer to the restroom. I agreed and went to his seat. Fortunately or unfortunately, it was next to Arohi. We watched 'Just My Luck' for the 500th time, and dozed off listening to music. Well, at least she did. I dozed off looking at her while her head rested on my shoulders. 

We got off the plane with jetlags. Once we reached our rooms, we all crashed on our beds. We were woken at 1 pm. According to our schedule, we were supposed to be at the statue by 3. The boys got ready in thirty minutes. But since the girls needed more time for the make-up, they were requested to do it on our way. All the girls did that, except Arohi. She barely ever uses any makeup. That would explain y she always looks so pale. The other guys circled the girls and went on talking throughout the trip while I sat in my corner going through the internet. I had to make myself as presentable as possible. Which was why I wore my glasses and even went the extra mile to wear a blazer.

When we finally reached the place, I'd constantly put my hands over my pocket, just to make sure the pendant was still there. I took it out while we were on the lift to visit its top-most spot. I gripped it tight nervously. We went in groups as we were in a large number. Arohi was in the first and I am in the second. I planned to surprise her from the back and present it to her. the teachers were on the other floor so I didn't have to worry about them. I would just hand it to her, confess my feeling, and then we'll see what happens. 

The elevator door opened and the first thing that I saw was my roommate on his knees proposing Arohi. I guess that escalated quickly. while everyone else walked out of the elevator, I stayed in. I went all the way to the ground floor. I bought ice cream there and spent the next half hour on a bench looking at everyone passing by. When it was time to leave, I joined everyone else at the meeting spot. I never regretted anything to date besides coming on this trip. I sat in the front, away from everyone else. 

As soon as we reached the hotel, I jumped onto my bed. I just wanted to sleep to avoid the feeling. I slept for a while after that. I was the only one who slept despite having a jet lag. 

My alarm woke me up at 7 pm. I realized I had to go give Arohi her meds. As reluctant I was, I did promise to keep her safe, and that package included providing her all her medications at the right time and right quantities.

The rooms were divided in such a way that there are 8 rooms for boys and eight rooms for girls, all on the same floor and opposite to each other. Her's was opposite to mine. I grabbed her pills and went to her room. As usual, the girls start giggling after seeing me. I held up her box of pills. "Pills, now", I said and put her box of pills on her dresser. She walked up to me to collect it. "Hey, wanna talk a walk", she said as she collected it. "No. Jet lag. Maybe later?" I asked n walked back to my room. just then my roommate came up to me to tell me about a party they all planned. 

"It will be amazing. There will be booze, pizza, music, and many foreigners", he said. "The pizza caught my attention, but I think I would sleep. I'm just too sleepy. Thanks for inviting tho", I said. "Think about it man, everyone is coming", he said. 

I laid down on my bed and put on some music. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. "I am going to regret this", I thought and took my blazer. I was going to a party.

I had to admit it, the part was cool. Red lights, a table for pizza, a table for alcohol, and a corner to talk. I went ahead and helped myself with the pizza. After a while, I saw Arohi and my roommate near the wall. At first, I thought I'd turn around, but then I realized they weren't doing anything romantic. They were just talking. Just then Amulya walks in next to me. "Did you know he proposed her", she asked. I nodded a yes. "And she rejected", she continued. I usually feel like I've been hit by a bullet, but right now it was like being shot at by a minigun. I smiled and looked back again. I noticed the conversation got louder. Then the cheap roommate threw himself on her, and Arohi did something very right. She slapped him. It was so hard that people could hear it from across the room.

After that, she stormed out of the room. and went to the pool. I followed. 

She sat by the pool and put her leg inside the water. It hurt me to watch her suffer like that so I joined her. I put my blazer around her so she wouldn't have to feel cold in her sleeveless dress. She felt something in one of the pockets and pulled out the pendant. "What's this", she asked.

At this moment I had 2 options ahead of me. I could either jump into that pool and drown myself, or tell her the truth. And my momma didn't raise no bitch. " Can we stand up?" I asked. once we did, I stepped closer to her. Our noses were just centimeters apart. "I know now isn't a good time, but I have to tell you this NOW! I don't think I can tell this to you ever if not now but I really-"

"I love you", she said. I kept quiet. My body didn't give me much of an option. I stood there frozen as she continued. "I wanted to tell you this at The Statue, but your dumb roommate ruined it. I really, really love you", she said. I just couldn't speak. The surprise was just too big. 'mouth.exe' stopped working again!

She waited for a while. Then she took one sad face and said, "You don't... you don't feel the same. I get it. It's just-"

"No", I interrupted. I took the pendant from her hand and put it on her neck. "I just wanted to be the first to say it", I said. I bent forward to kiss her but out foreheads came in the was. "Ow", she said and giggled. this time she leaned forward and kissed me. It felt like I was just struck by lightning in the most pleasing way possible. I just wanted more of this thunder. "I love you", I said, and continued to kiss her again.

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