Seeing him again

70 18 23

Putting on my new uniform consisting of a blue  ribbon looking tie, a short green pleated skirt, a white shirt, a black pantyhose, and a dark green suede blazer on top the shirt. I grabbed my backpack and was waiting for my so called roommates/friends to be ready, while waiting for them I zoned out my mind going back to the events of yesterday.
Seeing him smirk made me swoon all over again just like I did five years ago, thinking about those days makes me smile and frown at the same time remembering the lovey dovey eyes I gave him and he didn't even pay me any mind. To be honest I gave up on trying to make him like me back but I just couldn't deny the fact that I still had a little crush on him, but after seeing him just now I felt like my heart was going to explode, he looked so handsome and magnificent in all his glory, just standing there like a model, looking around I saw some if not almost all the senior secondary girls looking at him like he was a god (I mean he is but still why look at him so shamelessly) I know I know I am being judgmental but mind your business jo. They said their oaths and all descended the stage my eyes still on him until he walked to his seat were I saw a group of about six boys congratulating him and a girl coming up to give him a kiss on the cheek 'I wish I was her.'
Danielle called my name but I didn't hear so she followed my gaze, "ohhh I see why my calling you fell on deaf ears, that is Terry Otedola one of the schools most popular play boy and bully, I like you very much to tell you to stay away from him he is bad news" she said, I turned back to her and said "Oh I see he's still the same" she looked at me with confusion very well etched on her face and I told her I will tell her later, after the whole ceremony was over we were told to file out the same way we filed in. Flashback ended

I was once again brought out of my wild thoughts (get it 😉) by all three ladies hustling to put on their school uniform, after putting on their uniforms they grabbed their backpacks and we were off to start our day, walking to the cafeteria we had tea, bread and fried egg this morning for breakfast. After our breakfast we all walked to our different classes, while Bisola and I shared the same class Danielle and Joyce on the other hand were in two different class with Joyce being in SS3 A and Danielle in SS3 B. I walked into the class with Bisola and to my pleasant surprise *catch the sarcasm dripping off my tongue* I saw none other than Terry seated down at the far corner of the room having a chat with about four boys all looking hot. "E don do" (it is ok)my subconscious told me and I sighed inwardly probably thinking it was for the best, I looked all around the very spacious room "what am I saying almost all the rooms in the school are spacious" I thought, it was painted a beautiful deep blue color, with two large windows on both sides of the room, the teachers desk at the left side, the lockers at the back of the class, both the white and smart board in front of the class, with a very tall ceiling and fancy looking bulbs at the side of the walls, with two air conditioners, and lastly the black and white tables and chairs for sitting. After observing for a while *I know, I know I like observing things and places that's just how I am*. I felt someone boring holes into the back of my head from where I was seated right next to Bisola, I turned around and looked straight at the unknown person who turned out to be Terry, he looked so surprised to see me but as soon as the emotion came it went and a smirk was replaced on his face making him look more handsome than he already was "ewo my heart Terry please don't kill me" I thought, suddenly he stood up from his seat with the smirk still on his face he started walking up to me and at that moment I wondered 'where was this teacher ni?' He got to my table and looked down at me while I looked up at him because I was seated down, and then he whispered in my ear, "meet me outside" in a husky tone and strode out of the class, I quickly looked at Bisola who had a scared and concerned look etched on her face, I was so confused I didn't know what to do...

And that's that for today,please don't forget to comment, vote, share, and add to you library, I love you all dearly, hope you have or had a nice day.
Yes I will like to add that I won't be writing until 2 days after. Bye 💋❤️
Ni= like now
Ewo= like goodness or just an exclamation
Jo= like please but in smite aggressive way.

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