chapter 9 - the fake world

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"How do you know about that, Yashiro?"


"Yes, Boy, but I never mentioned it. Yashiro, explain."

"Hanako, I don't think I have much to explain... but you do."

"How did you get that information Yashiro? I'm not going to ask you a million times."

He stays in his place with a dark expression, as if he didn't want to tell me a thing. But he has to, and I'm going to make him.

"When I got hit by the bull, I think I time traveled...? Or it was just a really weird dream. But you were there with your sister. Now that I explained that, I need you to tell me who she is."

Hanako-kun takes a while to think. His grave expression does not change. 

"Yes, she is my sister, but she is probably still alive. If not, dead of old age, away from this school. She was not around when Tsukasa and I were killed."


"...Was she the one with the keychains...?"


"Hanako-kun, did your sister have a keychain with a yin yang and piano?"

"I- huh? I mean... I guess so?"

I frown at this piece of new information. 

If that's true, it means... Hanako's sister is...

In fact, dead... 

"Um... Hanako-kun I have to go see you tomorrow!" I start sprinting around the festival eager to find Jisatsu before they can catch or ask me anything.

It's almost 9pm...

I got out of the boundary and dashed to the music room. In the music room, there's a tune playing on the piano.

"JISATSU-SAN!" I scream, trying to catch my breath. She stops playing the piano and turns to me curiously.


And now, for the moment of truth... 

"Are you... Are you Hanako's sister?"

The school mystery lets out a sigh. 

"How did you figure that out?"

"The keychains..." I whisper. "How are you dead?"

"Well, since you are here, do you wanna play the piano? It's 9pm." She gestures to me to sit on the piano stool. 

If I want her to answer my questions, I'll need to play the piano.

I sat down on the chair and started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the only song I know how to play. I can see Jisatsu sweat dropping in the corner of my eye.

"NEXT! Yashiro, I'm sorry, but I am a woman with taste."

With a flick of her finger, I find myself outside the music room. When I go back in the room, she's gone.


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: girly or cocky──────⚪─────────────────
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