Chapter 24

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You watched the water pass around the boat as you all made your way to a deserted island... Well, that's what Polnareff thought. In actuality, you were going to get Avdol since he had finished recovering. All Joseph had told him was that we were going to visit a friend that would be important to the mission. You still felt conflicted about lying to the poor man, but there was no way you could have told him anyway.

You sighed, slouching against the railing. You heard the ruffle of clothing and felt the seat next to you be pressed down by someone's weight. You looked over to see that Jotaro had taken a seat next to you, looking like his usual grumpy self. You smiled, your cheeks pink.

"Ya know... The last time I was on a boat, I jumped right off," you said softly, trying to lighten the mood. He gave a small smile.

"And I hope that you never do that again," he replied. You giggled.

"Me, too. I didn't plan on it the first time, it just kinda... happened," you said, looking out at the sea before you.

You saw him do the same. Soon enough, you had all landed on the shoreline, and you stretched as you stood on the sand.

"Phew! I'm glad that's over," you said, mostly to yourself.

Polnareff came up behind you, using your shoulder as an armrest. You rolled your eyes, but said nothing.

"Mr. Joestar, are you sure someone lives here? It looks deserted!" he exclaimed, putting his other pale hand on his hip.

"Yes, I'm sure he's here somewhere. We just have to find him," the old man replied, giving a charming smile.

It made you smile, too. Joseph was... just like that. He made you want to smile. You heard a soft ruffling in the leaves and such, and you perked up, looking toward it. Everyone else must have heard it as well because they looked at it as well. It was only a few seconds later that the figure emerged and turned tail. You felt Polnareff tense up, his arm sliding off of you. You turned to look up at him. His expression was that of disbelief.

"It can't be," he whispered before running after the figure.

"Polnareff, wait up!" Kakyoin exclaimed before you all started running after him.

You growled under your breath, annoyed by the abundance of leaves and such. Finally, you all emerged from the forest and stopped in a clearing. There was a quaint little fenced-in house there, and a guy was feeding his chickens. This guy was not Avdol's father, but Avdol himself. He just... had some weird hair dye that made him look older.

"Go away! Everytime anyone comes here, they always have bad things to say!" he exclaimed harshly, not turning around to look at us.

You wondered why he just didn't say who he was yet, but you played along. You looked over at Polnareff again, and he looked upset and defeated, like he thought the man wasn't Avdol.

"I'm gonna go take a walk," he said, starting to walk away.

Your eyebrows furrowed with slight sadness for him.

"Be careful! We'll try to talk to him in the meantime!" you replied, waving softly.

Once he was out of earshot, you sighed.

"Avdol, was that really necessary?" you asked, turning to face said man.

He magically had his hair color back. You didn't question it. He sighed.

"I wasn't quite ready to tell him yet," he replied with a sigh of his own.

"Well, we can come up with a way to explain this before he gets back. Why don't we go inside and have a cup of tea?" Kakyoin stepped in, putting a hand on his chin thoughtfully.

Everyone agreed, and we stepped into Avdol's home.
Avdol left a little while after sunset, for he had gotten worried about the man. So, we got everything packed up, and we waited for them at the boat. About 10 minutes later, a bloody Ppolnareff showed up looking rather excited.

"Jesus CHRIST, Polnareff! What the hell happened?!" you exclaimed, running over to him. Queen of Hearts appeared, healing up his wounds.

"Guys! You'll never believe who I found out there in the woods!" he said happily.

Then, an also bloody Avdol emerged from the woods. There was silence for a moment.

"Good grief. You got Avdol mixed up in your misadventures, too? He just finished recovering!" you scolded, moving to start healing Avdol.

"Wait... What? You knew?" he responded, giving puppy dog eyes.

Kakyoin chuckled awkwardly.

"We all knew, we just... didn't tell you." he said with a small smile. Polnareff looked wounded.

"We didn't want your big mouth running around and letting the enemy know that he wasn't actually dead," Jotaro said gruffly, pulling down the bill of his hat slightly.

Polnareff let out a groan.

"What about your father?" he asked. Avdol chuckled.

"That was just a disguise," he replied.

Polnareff groaned, tears in his eyes. You put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Polnareff... I didn't think you'd be so upset," you said, wiping away his tears.

He sniffled, hugging you tightly.

"If it makes you feel better, that wasn't the only reason we kept it a secret. I had Avdol do some... shopping. We have a new mode of transportation," Joseph said with a grin.

You stopped hugging Polnareff to look at Joseph with a raised eyebrow.

"But... what about the boat?" you asked in confusion. He smirked.

"Where we're going we don't need boats," he responded.

Then, something started to emerge from the water... You gasped. It was... a submarine. A FREAKING SUBMARINE!

"Since we'll be crossing the Red Sea, we needed something that would get us there faster. So, I had Avdol buy a submarine for us," Joseph responded.

You couldn't believe your eyes. The thing was absolutely ginormous!

"Well, let's go! We don't have any time to waste!" he continued, herding all of us and our belongings into the submarine.

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