Chapter 23

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You groaned as you sat in front of the fire dejectedly. This was the second plane crash you had been in already, and this one wasn't because of a Stand user. Kakyoin was having some kind of vivid nightmare and ended up kicking stuff around. The control wheel locked up, and it had been fixed by Hermit Purple.

Then, Joseph crashed into a freaking tree.

Kakyoin looked pretty bummed out after all of it. Joseph and Polnareff were talking about baby food nearby, but you blocked it out. You moved to sit next to Jotaro, mostly because you both hadn't talked much during the journey.

"How are you feeling?" you asked, leaning back against the rock he was sitting in front of. He shrugged.

"I'm worried about Kakyoin," he replied as he stared at the fire.

Nodding slowly, you glanced at the boy. He was staring at the baby again, and you turned away with a grimace.

"I hope he isn't losing his mind... This whole situation has been pretty stressful, and I'm worried it might be too much for him," you said quietly.

Jotaro nodded, leaning back against the rock as well.

"Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, did you see that? The baby just killed a scorpion with his safety pin! This baby isn't normal!" the boy suddenly exclaimed.

You rapidly glanced over at Jotaro before looking at Kakyoin again.

"Nori, I think you might need some sleep. There's no way a baby could just kill a scorpion," you said gently.

Maybe he really is losing it, you thought.

"No! Come see for yourself! There should be a dead scorpion in there!" he said.

You all went to look, but there was nothing to be found. Kakyoin looked confused. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should get some rest... I know you're stressed out, so maybe some sleep could do you some good," you said softly.

He sighed, defeated. He stood up and walked over to the rock he had been previously occupying. He paused, glancing at his arm.

He turned around before saying, "I know exactly how to convince you all that I'm not lying."

He pulled up his sleeve, showing wounds that were carved into his arms. They read, "Baby Stand." You all gasped.

"Oh my god," Joseph said quietly. You mulled over it for a moment as they argued about the wounds. Baby... Stand... Baby Stand... Wait... Could the baby-- the thought was cut off by Kakyoin being knocked out as he tried to attack the baby, his Stand fading out of existence. You winced as he landed, face first, on the ground.

"Jeez! You just let him hit the ground!" You exclaimed, kneeling down to make sure his nose wasn't broken.

Thankfully, he wasn't injured. After that, everyone else went back to what they were doing. You carefully healed Kakyoin's arm before tucking him into his sleeping bag. You sighed, shaking your head before yawning. It was about time that you all got some rest. Soon enough, everyone settled down into their sleeping bags and fell asleep.


When you opened your eyes, you were... in an amusement park? Wait... This was familiar. Your eyes widened in shock.

"The dream! The Grim Reaper Stand... Death 13!" you said to yourself as you looked around.

You were on the teacup ride you had seen from the ferris wheel. Polnareff, Joseph, and Jotaro were all in sleeping bags beside you. It looked like you all had just woken up.

"Joseph, Kakyoin wasn't making everything up. The baby is the Stand user!" you said to him as you crawled out of your own sleeping bag.

"Mon Dieu! She's right! I was in here with Kakyoin during the plane ride!" Polnareff added as he looked around.

Joseph huffed. "What are you two talking about? It's only a dream," he responded with a disappointed look.

Polnareff glanced at you, silently telling you to explain it.

"Listen, the baby's Stand is Death 13. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. He has the power to kill us in our own dreams," you explained.

The other two men migrated off of the ride, followed by yourself and Polnareff.

"Why did I have to knock Kakyoin out?... Wait, that means he's already here! We've got to find him!" Polnareff exclaimed, running toward one of the arches before pausing and saying something to himself.

Then, a strange thing happened... Polnareff's hair grew and wrapped around the arch, Jotaro's chain started strangling him, Joseph's prosthetic hand grew to a ginormous size, and the drawstrings on your jacket wrapped around your own throat. No matter how much you tried to pull them off, they stayed there, slowly tightening as you choke out a whine, collapsing to your knees. When Jotaro summoned Star Platinum, it turned to him and started punching him. That was odd because Stand's couldn't be summoned in the dream world. A familiar voice giggled at the action.

"Lali-ho!" the grim reaper sang as it revealed that he had pretended to be Star.

"How about Lali-no?" you replied breathlessly. That seemed to annoy him.

"No," he replied, obviously miffed.

"Worth a try," you wheeze with a shrug. A familiar green hand placed itself on his shoulder. It was Hierophant Green.

"Oh. It's just one of my clones. I thought it was the real one at fir-" he said, cut off by the Stand starting to choke him. He gasped wheezily.

"Wh-What? That doesn't make any sense! It doesn't seem to be a fake!" he exclaimed.

All of the weird effects that had happened to you all poofed out of existence in a comical cloud of smoke. Kakyoin was sitting in one of the teacups with a rather smug expression.

"I guess it slipped your mind that I had already summoned my Stand before I got knocked out. It had to bury itself underground to avoid detection," he said with a triumphant look. Death 13 started swinging his scythe around, trying to reach the Stand on his back.

"If you don't stop with this futile struggling..." he trailed off, gracefully hopping over the side of the ride.

"I really don't care that you're a baby. I'll snap your neck like a twig!" he exclaimed.

Pretty harsh, but the baby was an asshole! Suddenly, the clouds started merging together.

"Kakyoin, if you don't get your stand out of there-" Joseph started.

The cloud formed a gigantic fist, which took the scythe from the Stand's hands before slicing them both in half. The Stand laughed, thinking he had already won. Kakyoin had collapsed to sell the act. Then, he stood up again.

"What?! How?!" Death 13 exclaimed, the fabric around its body falling away to reveal Hierophant unraveling itself and traveling inside his ear.

"Do you really think that my Hierophant Green is that careless?" Kakyoin said smugly. More tentacles went inside of his other ear.

Due to Hierophant possessing his body, he wasn't able to control his own arm, and the scythe was aimed to cut off his head, the rest of the stand entering his body.

"Unless you want to be ripped from the inside out, I suggest that you stop trying to kill us. There will be consequences if you try to attack us again. I'd ask you to heal the cuts on my arm, but my friend here already helped me out," He said, glancing at you. You smiled with a wink.


The next morning, you felt like you had woken from a terrible dream. Joseph fed the baby, and Kakyoin acted like nothing had happened the night before. He was hiding something, but you didn't push him for information. You were rescued shortly after, and the baby was brought to a town to be taken care of.

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