Chapter 8

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(A/N) Since the last chapter was another short one, I'll do another double upload. Also, the lines "Why the hell was there an orangutan on the ship? Seriously, there was a big ass orange monkey just sitting in a cage on an abandoned boat. What the hell?" is actually from an AO3 fanfic. I thought it was funny, so I saved it to my phone!

You awoke to someone shaking your shoulders again. You groggily lifted your head to see a face framed in darkness and black. It took a moment for your half-asleep mind to comprehend that it was Jotaro.

"Sorry if we woke you up earlier. Kakyoin said his legs were getting tired," he whispered.

You didn't ever remember being moved, so you shrugged, the movement sluggish from sleep. You sat up, realizing that the salt water had made your skin sticky and uncomfortable. You looked up to realize that the lifeboats had docked near a huge freighter. You stood up and watched as the crew from the other lifeboat and the men from the group climbed up. You and Jotaro followed, with you still wearing his jacket and having your small bag of clothes strung across your shoulder. You stood on the deck, looking around. It looked pretty abandoned, which was strange. How was a freighter out in the middle of the sea with no crew? You heard a creak and the gush of liquid. You whipped around to see that one of the hooks had moved and impaled one of the crew members from the last ship in the face. You gagged and looked away, face turning a slight shade of green.

"Kakyoin, use Hierophant and search for any signs of life on this boat," Joseph ordered.

Kakyoin nodded nervously and obeyed. After a moment of silence, Kakyoin shook his head.

"Nothing. There's no one here," he said. "Yare yare daze..." Jotaro mumbled.

"Great. It's probably a haunted ship," you whispered.

The men decided to split up and search the ship, leaving you and the girl alone. You decided to do a bit of exploring yourselves. As you walked, you talked about girl things, and she introduced herself as Anne, explaining that she was trying to find her father.

"It sucks you got dragged into this... This must be horrible to deal with," you sympathized.

She smiled meekly.

"It is pretty scary. All I'm seeing are big, buff men yelling at each other while wounds appear on them... Do they have ghosts possessing them?... You have one, too, right?" she said. You nodded slowly.

"It's... complicated to explain, and it's also supposed to be top secret. I would explain if I were allowed tooooo- What the hell is that?"

You had just entered a room, and you were shocked to find an orangutan in a cage... Why the hell was there an orangutan on the ship? Seriously, there was a big ass orange monkey just sitting in a cage on an abandoned boat. What the hell?

"It's a monkey," Anne answered.

"I know it's a damn monkey. I just wanna know what the hell the thing is doin' here," you retorted with a slight American accent.

She looked visibly uncomfortable under its watchful gaze.

"Let's go... This thing is freaking me out," Anne said, making her way into the hallway.

You walked down and came upon a shower room. You never felt more relieved in your life. You both agreed a shower wouldn't hurt, seeing as the salt-water made your skins uncomfortable. You both undressed, and you were a bit hesitant. However, she didn't seem to mind your body and you chatted as you stood under the warm water.


Jotaro had found himself walking alone down the halls of the dark ship. It was a bit unnerving, even for himself. As he passed in front of a room, he watched from the corner of his eye, a flash of red. He stopped and turned, scowling. The entire crew from the last ship had been killed in a rather gruesome-looking fashion. In an adjacent room, a cage had been ripped open by something strong. Then, he heard two screams coming from a room a few doors down. His feet pounding on steel as he raced down the hall, finding (Y/N) and Anne backed against a wall as an orangutan slowly waddled toward them. It was wearing a captain's jacket and matching hat. As much as he didn't want to admit it, (Y/N) looked... strangely beautiful being hardly wrapped in a towel. The scowl deepened and he immediately pushed that thought away. She was a woman, and women were annoying. 'But not her,' a small voice said. Jotaro growled and summoned Star Platinum, which punched the orangutan away. (Y/N)'s knees nearly gave out as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank the gods!" she exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug.

Jotaro's face flushed lightly and he tipped his hat immediately to hide it. 'Not now,' his thought. He didn't hug back. She released him, and both immediately noticed that the orangutan was making his way toward them from the hallway from where he had been punched through the wall. Jotaro turned to the girls.

"Put on some clothes and get out of here. Find the old man and stay with him," Jotaro ordered with a growl.

They nodded and he quickly turned away, climbing through the wall, on a mission to kill this damn monkey for nearly taking advantage of the girls. That pissed him off to no end. The ape took out a book and opened it. He pointed to a word "Forever" before pointing at himself. Then, he flipped and showed him another word. "Strength." He was a Stand user who possessed the name of the Strength card. But what was his power? Suddenly, Jotaro was pulled into the wall of the ship. The orangutan made a noise that sounded like laughter. He struggled to move, scowl deepening even more. Suddenly, Jotaro had a revelation. His Stand... was the ship itself. He smirked with a "tch."

"You're Stand is this puny ship? How pathetic," Jotaro taunted.

He seemed angered by this.

"You're angry? Gonna slap you chest and bare your teeth? You're not scared, ya damn ape. You're weak," Jotaro taunted more.

The orangutan looked pissed. Using the distraction to flick a button at him with Star Platinum. The wound caused him to hold his head in pain, and he deactivated his Stand's hold on me. Jotaro made my way over and let Star Platinum do the work, giving the ape a heavy beat down. Soon, the ape laid dead and the ship rumbled as it slowly started to disappear. Rushing back to the last room through the shrinking hole in the wall, he grabbed the things the girls and the others left behind and joined them on one of the lifeboats. They quickly sailed away, watching the freighter sink. Heaving a sigh, Jotaro took his hat off to run a hand through his hair.


"Never in my life would I have ever thought I'd nearly get taken advantage of by a monkey... Jotaro, you've saved my life twice already. Any more and I'll have to save your life or somethin', which would be hard considering how much stronger you are than me," you said with a grin.

Everyone laughed and Jotaro gave the smallest smile a person could make.

"It's no problem. I wasn't about to let you die on me both times," he said with a shrug.

You smiled warmly at him.

"That's still twice... Are you guys injured?" you asked, looking around.

Jotaro pulled up his sleeves to show bruises from when he was trapped in the wall. You gently placed your hands over both wrists, Queen appearing beside you and putting her hands over your's. The familiar warmth and pink glow radiated from your hands, healing his bruises. Even after seeing it before, he still seemed surprised. You had just escaped the ship from hell and made your way to the shore of Singapore.

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