Chapter 13

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(A/N) Sorry this chapter is so short! There wasn't much to put here without going on to the next thing. I also referenced two songs in this chapter, which are right next to each other. If you guess them, you get a cookie!

A fist flew through the air and was followed by the thud of a man hitting the ground. Jotaro pulled back his arm after punching the cowboy in the face. Polnareff and Kakyoin ran up to you.

"Mr. Joestar! Jotaro! Y/n!" Kakyoin exclaimed, like he hadn't expected you to show up.

You waved slightly, giving an awkward smile. Joseph crossed his arms over his chest.

"We already know about Avdol. What a tragedy... We didn't have a lot of time to do much for him, but we gave him a proper funeral," he said.

He was a rather good liar. Avdol was close to death, yes, but the bullet only grazed his forehead, giving the impression that he had been shot directly. However, you couldn't let Polnareff know. That was the deal you had made. Polnareff had such a big mouth, so you couldn't afford any of DIO's minions finding out that Avdol was alive and recovering. You planned on telling Kakyoin as soon as you could. You all turned to the cowboy, who looked rather afraid.

"The one who stabbed Mr. Avdol in the back was the man with two right hands. The cause of death was Hol Horse's bullet," Kakyoin informed.

"What should we do with him?" Joseph asked.

You grinned evilly, cracking your knuckles.

"Can I please strangle him? I think he deserves a slow, painful death for killing Avdol," you said, Queen appearing behind you.

Her hair had parted to reveal a sinister yellow eye that glared at the guy.

"Calm down, (Y/N). You're scaring me, and I'm not even the one it's directed at," Polnareff said wearily.

You shrugged and stepped forward, fully ready to strangle him when something strange happened... Well, two strange things happened. First, as you tried to summon Royal Jewels, jewels in the shape of spikes or something levitated in the air, pointing at Hol Horse. Next, some random girl tackled you to the ground, causing both your Stand and the spikes to disappear.

"Please run, Sir Hol Horse! I'll hold her off for you! I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I will always protect you!" she exclaimed, holding you down.

"Hey! Get off of me, woman!" you said, using your weight to flip the tables.

By the time you turned around, he was already gone, riding away on a stolen horse. You huffed and pushed her away, standing up and dusting yourself off. You turned to see that the men looked surprised. You raised an eyebrow.

"What?" you asked in confusion.

"You've never done that before. The jewel spikes," Kakyoin answered.

You turned to Queen, searching for answers. Her face was as blank as ever, but she had the smallest smirk on her face.

"Huh... Well, I think she's gotten stronger... I'm a person, and the person that I am can change. I guess you could say I'm looking forward now," you said casually, giving a shrug.

Your moment with Jotaro earlier made you realize a few things. First, the stuff that happened to you as a kid should have made you stronger, not weaker. Second, all of that was in the past, and you needed to leave it there. Third, you needed to move on and live life from a new perspective. Of course, it would take a while to actually do the second and third, but that didn't mean you wouldn't try. You felt stronger now, like you could do a whole lot more damage to anyone who tried to pick a fight.

"Oh! You're hurt," Joseph suddenly said, walking over to the woman.

He was right. She had a pretty deep cut on her elbow. He tied a handkerchief around it. You sighed.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," you apologized, bowing at the woman.

"It's alright," she said with a small smile.

A bloody Polnareff put his hands on his hips.

"Alright. We continue onward to Egypt! Listen up!" he started, Joseph standing up after wrapping the woman's arm.

"In order to defeat DIO, we have to fight as one. We can't go off on our own or we'll play right into the enemy's hands. Got it?" he finished. You snorted.

"Says the one who just did that," you pointed out, the other men stifling laughs.

His cheeks flushed and he looked away.

"Yeah, yeah! I know!" he exclaimed.

You laughed and put a hand on his shoulder (attempted to at least).

"It's alright... I let my emotions get out of control like that, too, even though I try not to. At least you understand how important it is for us to stay together now," you said with a grin.

"Now, let's get a move on!" he quickly said, turning away.

You all began walking forward.

"Good grief," Jotaro grumbled.

You turned to Kakyoin, pulling him to whisper in his ear.

"Do not panic... Avdol is alive, but he's recovering. Do not tell Polnareff. Joseph will explain everything later," you said.

He looked shocked, but nodded. You nodded back and smiled, pretending like it never happened.

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