Chapter 21

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As it turned out, The Lovers connected Dan and his opponent. If Dan got hurt, the opponent also got hurt, which brewed a very deep feeling of concern and fear in you as you found that his Stand had entered Joseph. You found that out soon after Enyaba was killed. Dan was staring at you in a way that could only be described as primal hunger. You didn't have enough time to step back to meet the group before he grabbed your arm and turned you, pulling your back flush against his chest as you faced the group.

"After I kill the rest of you, I think I'll keep her as a prize," he purred, and you could almost feel the smirk on his face.

"You bastard!" Jotaro growled, taking a step forward to beat his ass.

"Ah, ah, ah," Dan said in a teasing tone, causing Jotaro to pause as his face contorted in pure rage.

"You don't want me to hurt poor, old Mr. Joestar and this precious girl, do you?" he asked, tilting his head.

Having enough of this bullshit, you elbowed Dan in the stomach, stepped on his foot (which caused him to let go of you), elbowed his nose, and nearly kicked him in the groin before you heard Joseph's cries of pain. Dan, distracted by the pain, didn't make an attempt to grab you again as you rushed to Joseph's side.

"That hurt like hell! What just happened?" he wheezed, holding his stomach with one hand and his nose with the other.

"My Stand, The Lovers, has entered your body. If I get hurt, you will be hurt in the same way," Dan answered in a wheeze of his own, slowly standing up straighter.

Your eyes widened in horror, and you held Joseph's arm as you helped him up.

"Not to mention I've implanted one of Lord Dio's flesh buds into your brain, which means you'll die soon if you don't get it out," Dan added with a dark chuckle.

"I'm sorry, padre. I didn't know. I-" You started in a whisper, cut off by said man putting a finger over your mouth.

"It's alright. At least we know what his Stand does," he responded in whisper, removing his gloved finger from your lips.

"What do we do?" you asked desperately, your mind blank with shock and fear.

"Play along until we can figure out how to defeat his Stand," he answered.

You nodded solemnly before stepping away. Jotaro stood beside you, as close as possible. You glared at Dan, giving off an aggressive aura as you took a defensive stance. He chuckled, like he knew something we didn't.

"I see, I see... This just made this ten times more enjoyable," he purred, his eyes glinting with that hungry look once again.

"Mr. Joestar, we should find a way to defeat his Stand. Polnareff and I will help, and (Y/N) and Jotaro can stay with him," you heard Kakyoin say.

Joseph nodded, and the three men ran off, presumably to find a television or something useful.

"What's your plan, eh? Follow me around until old Joseph keels over? Sounds like a blast," Dan said smugly, sarcasm in voice during his last line.

"I'll make you pay for his, and it's just a matter of when," Jotaro grumbled with a dark look.

"Can't wait to kick you in the balls, pervert," you added, crossing your arms over your chest as you turned away from the disgusting man.

Dan put his hands on your shoulders, leaning his head close to yours. Jotaro bristled at the action, glaring so angrily at Dan that it sent shivers down your spine.

"Don't be like that, dear," he said with mock sadness.

"You two will follow my every order or your precious 'padre', grandfather in Jotaro's case, will die," Dan said, pulling away.

Your eyebrows furrowed, and Jotaro gave you a look of confusion. You gave him a look that said, "I'll tell you later."


"A drainage ditch? This could be fun," Dan whispered to himself. He stepped up to the edge of the ditch.

"I'd try to jump across, but what would happen if I fell and twisted my ankle?" he said in an almost teasing tone.

"Jotaro, why don't you make yourself useful and make yourself a bridge?" Dan ordered with a smug smirk.

You looked around and spotted a bridge a few meters away.

"Why don't you just... walk over the bridge?" you responded, rolling your eyes.

Dan scowled and raised his leg, ready to kick a nearby street lamp.

"You will do as I say, and you will not defy me if you want Joseph to stay alive just a little while longer," he growled.

You scowled and said nothing. Jotaro grumbled something under his breath before turning himself into a bridge. You scoffed and used your Stand to get across.

"Too bad you're too stupid to use a damn bridge," you mumbled when he was out of earshot.

He crossed Jotaro, torturing him a bit more before stepping off of him. You helped him by wrapping him up with Royal Jewels and lifting him across.

"Thank you," he grumbled before you set off again. In your peripheral vision, you saw him write something in a small notepad.


You were relieved when you found that The Lovers had been defeated by Kakyoin and Polnareff. After being flirted with, watching Jotaro get his ass kicked by citizens after Dan made him steal some jewelry, and just dealing with Dan in general, it made kicking his ass more enjoyable. You kicked him straight in the groin, making him wheeze with pain as he hit the ground holding his crotch. Next, you kicked him a few more times, just so he could ache more. Finally, Jotaro lifted him up and pummeled him with Star Platinum, sending him flying into a nearby building. He tore off the page from his notepad, claiming it to be a receipt of all the things that slimy snake did to you both. You ruffled Star's hair at his job well-done. He smiled brightly and yelled a happy

"ORA!" Jotaro looked embarrassed, and he pulled down the bill of his hat.

He willed Star to disappear back into his body to end the "torture." You met up with the rest of the group, Polnareff looking a bit worse-for-wear. You healed up their wounds, giving each of them a hug.

"So... About the padre thing..." Jotaro trailed off. Your cheeks flushed slightly.

"W-Well, I see each of you as people who are very close to me... Polnareff is like a weird big brother and Joseph is... like a father to me," you shyly explained, feeling slightly uncomfortable about telling them.

Polnareff burst into obnoxious tears as he hugged you tightly.

"Ma chère soeur! Je t'aime aussi!" he exclaimed, nuzzling his face into your hair.

You sighed, and you tried your best to wrap an arm around his ginormous body to pat his back, which was a success. Kakyoin and Joseph were laughing, and Jotaro managed a small chuckle. Polnareff had lost his sister a few years ago, so his reaction was kind of expected. Still, it warmed your heart that he thought of you like his dear sister. While you didn't know much French, you still managed to understand that he expressed his love to you. You smiled lovingly, even after he released you from the bear hug. It made you slightly guilty that you wouldn't tell him about Avdol, but part of you realized that he wouldn't be angry for very long... It was only a matter of time... 

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