2: Take Your Heart

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(The excitement of publishing this is too much for me!! I couldn't wait any longer xD)


(Ren's P.O.V)

I stepped out of the school gates, shifting my bag on my shoulder. I took out my phone and looked at the date on my lock screen.

February 10th.

I sighed heavily. I hadn't finished preparing my gift for Akechi yet, and I was only four days out from the deadline. I wasn't able to just readily purchase the gifts I wanted to get for him, so until then, I was stuck waiting.

Feeling somewhat defeated, I pulled out my wallet. Glancing the bills inside, my dejection instantly disappeared.

Thats right. The convenience store paid me yesterday after my shift. I had just enough to buy part one of Akechi's gift. And I knew he would adore it when he received it.

With a new found confidence, I turned left and headed towards the station. I couldn't wait to buy it.

Riinngg rinnngg!

Mid-step, my phone started to go off in my pocket. I paused and pulled it from my pants.

"Ren. I'm glad I got a hold of you. Did you just finish class?"

It was Yusuke. What perfect timing.

"I did."

"Are you free tonight? I've finished it."

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe I was closer to completing his gift than I realized..

"Absolutely. I'll meet you in the underground walkway in an hour."

"Excellent. See you then!"


(Ren's P.O.V, February 14th)

"Do you think this is too much?" I muttered to Morgana as I pushed back more of my hair, trying to get the gel to stick. I didn't have a mirror, so I was using the blank screen of the TV to check and make sure I didn't have any flyaways.

"It's Valentine's Day! Why wouldn't you dress up?" Morgana was on my bed, watching curiously.

I frowned as I pushed a few locks of hair to the left and over the part of my hair, only to see them bounce back and stick up straight.

Annoyed, I then began furiously smothering them back into their regular position.

"I bet he won't be dressed up at all. I can just see him laughing now..." I sighed. I had gone out of my way to buy a black bow tie and some hair gel, but I was definitely regretting it now.

Maybe I was overthinking this just a bit too much. Why would Akechi care if I dressed up? He'd probably just think I was being weird.

"You're a pretty handsome guy. Either way, I'm sure Akechi won't hate it."

I glanced at Morganas reflection through the tv screen, a sarcastic look on my face.

"...are you really sure about that?"


The bell above the door downstairs chimed as someone entered. My heart suddenly thudded in my chest.

... speak of the devil.

"He's here! Quick, put your bow tie on!"

Morgana grabbed the tie in his mouth and jumped off my cot, bringing it to me. I took it from him and looped it under the collar of my black dress shirt, complimented by my worn out dark jeans.

Take Your Heart: A Dark Sun Persona 5 Side Story (Magical Valentine's Day)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें