an angel to call mine

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Remembered almost all of our names,likes,dislikes.

She was extremely sweet. She arranged the garrison of angels who didn't fit in any of the other archangels garrison or who wanted to take a break. They all practiced healing and helping.

She was the most adored child you could say. Lucifer,Michael,Raphael or gabriel couldn't refuse her for anything. 

She was loved by all due to her nature. But, after the war with darkness, she was hit and she went into a death coma of sorts.

All of heaven mourned her. Father changed after that. So did the atmosphere of heaven in general.

Lucifer and Micheal always fought,but she could stop them with barely a word.

But they were all mourning and blaming each other and well, slowly lucifer rebelled"

He finished.

Umm ok wow.

"Why are we talking about her now? She is dead, as you mentioned why are they searching for her now then?" Dean asked.

"She is alive, isnt she?" I asked cas.

He nodded back at me. Dean sighed.

"Ok, so we'll search for heavens spoiled princess and then what? Why are they behind her now?" Dean asked.

"So that they can convince her to take sides. She loved both the brothers equally. She could help any side and the other would loose." Cas replied.

"Well then, we'll find her and protect her." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah,let's go search for her." Dean said standing up and going towards his room. Cas followed him.


Sometimes I wonder If they're hiding their relationship from me or are they just plain blind.

Time skip brought to you by how amazing y'all are💫 because I dont wanna write how they found her, they just did through the powers of hard work, determination and the sexual tension and pining of deancas.

We finally reached the cave.
It's dark as hell here.

We hope we reached her first. Dont want another war or something to start.

Oh. Oh wow.

There's this melodic voice coming from wall towards my right.

"Wow, that's a good voice!" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean sam? We cant hear anything?" Dean said.

Cas's eyes widened the size of a dinner plate.

"You- you can hear her? Where is the sound coming from?" He asked me,looking very serious and shocked.

"Um this wall right here,why  can't you guys hear it?" I asked.

" only soulmates of angels can hear their Angel's voice when in close proximity for the first time, it's to tell you that's they're your soulmate. Every angel has a soulmate " He explained.

Dean looked kinda sad hearing that.

"Dean also heard my voice when I first rescued him from hell" he said and went towards the wall to try and open it leaving us both wide eyed .

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