Chapter Four

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Finally, after what seemed like hours, Home Ec was over and we were at last free to go home. So, so far I've met a Freckled popular boy, a perky blonde, and another popular boy too. Unsurprisingly, nobody's actually my friend.
I made my way from my locker to the exit of the school and walked outside to find my mom's car. She waved to me and I jumped in when I saw her. As I was putting on my seat belt, I saw Freckles walking past the open window. He smiled at me and continued walking.
"Oh, he seems familiar..." Mom said to me.
I frowned, "How could you know anyone already?"
She started a sentence but never finished and moved onto a different subject, "So, how was your first day?"
"Good," I looked out the window as we turned off of Erwin Street.
She chuckled, "Did you meet any friends?"
"Acquaintances," I corrected, "and yes, I guess. The freckled boy you say looks familiar and-"
"Cameron!" She interrupted.
"Excuse me?"
Mom smiled, "That's his name! Cameron!"
"Yeah. How do you know?"
"Sweetie, you two used to be the best of friends when we lived here before. You were inseparable," she sighed.
Laughing, I stared at our house as we pulled into the driveway, "Sure. I don't remember any of that,"
My mom looked at me sadly, which made me very uncomfortable, and then walked into the house.
"Hey! Levanah?" Someone yelled behind me.
I turned to see who it was, obviously Freckles and his other popular friends. Great, locker neighbors and now actual neighbors? This day just couldn't get any better...

I knew I had a piece of Spanish homework due the next day, but I figured that as I'm the new girl, she'll let me off just this once.
Knowing that I had no other homework to do, I decided to take my own little tour of the neighborhood.
"Mom! I'm going for a walk!" I yelled. I think she said okay, so I slipped on my shoes and walked outside.
I saw Freckles' friends leaving and he jogged over to me, "Hey, I was just about to go to the store. You wanna join? I could show you some of the beautiful Sherman Oaks sites,"
I chuckled, "Alright, some company would be nice,"
So we headed to the store. I didn't know what store, nor where exactly we were going, but I just followed him everywhere.
When we reached the store, he took a basket and we grabbed any stuff we felt we needed. I reckon we shopped for about 15 minutes, then it started to get dark.
"So, Levanah, I see you've changed these past few years," he said as we exited the store.
I stopped, "What do you mean?"
"Y'know, when we were kids you were all pink and girly. You're a lot different now," he said, tilting his head a little.
I frowned, "Um, we met, like, 7 hours ago. And, thank you?"
"What do you mean-" he left that sentence and continued walking, "Oh, uh, never mind,"
There was an awkward silence for a while, until we reached our houses. I stood by my doorway and said 'bye' and 'thanks' to him.
"It was a compliment, by the way," he said from across the street as I smiled, stepping back inside the house and closing the door tightly behind me.

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