Chapter Thirteen

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-Cameron's POV-
The next day at school was unbelievably awkward. Especially the fact I sit with Lee in 4 classes. And we have the same friends.
"Bro, what happened to you and Lee? She's been glued to Dani all day. I can't even talk to her," Eli said to me.
I sighed and closed my locker, "We fell out. I thought she liked me so I kissed her and then she got all weird and told me she didn't love me. It's complicated, okay?"
"Aw, poor you. You two will make up soon, you're inseparable. Plus, I want my girlfriend back too,"
I smiled weakly as Eli walked over to Dani and took her by the hand into the cafeteria. Careful not to get spotted, I looked over to Lee. Her eyes flickered to mine but then instantly returned to the floor as they followed her feet into the cafeteria.
So, this is what I get for making a move?
For the rest of the day, Lee and I barely made any communication. Until we were walking out of school and I fell and knocked her.
"I'm sorry," I continued looking at my feet as I helped her.
She brushed me off, "I'm fine, thank you," and she rushed away.
I groaned and sat down on the bench, waiting for my dad to arrive.
"Hey, cutie!" Lori strolled over to me and smiled.
"What do you want?" I put my head in my hands.
She perched next to me and I shuffled away uncomfortably, "You look upset. Where's your little girlfriend?"
"She's not my girlfriend!" I said, a little angrier than expected, "I kinda wish she was..." I mumbled.
"What was that, sweetie? Well, I can help you out there! A little touch up and she'll be all-" I cut her off.
"And why should I trust you? After everything you said to her. I'm leaving, have a nice night," I said sarcastically before getting into my dad's car.
"Good day?" He asked.
I rolled down the window, "One of the worst yet,"
'Why are you ignoring me?' I risked it and sent Lee a text. I hated not speaking to her.
It took her a half hour to actually reply to it and she said 'I'm not ignoring you. I just feel really awkward'
Great. It was all my fault, stupid feelings.
I decided after that to just turn my phone off and talk to my sister instead.
"Hey Maya," I smiled.
She smiled back, "Hey. You look kinda bummed, let me guess: girl problems?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "It's complicated. The feelings between us weren't mutual. I liked her, but she didn't like me,"
Maya hugged me, "It's Lee, isn't it? I knew you liked her!"
"Well...I still sorta do," I blushed and looked at the ground.
"Don't worry, Cam. This won't last for long, you're both the best of friends! I'm sure you'll make up soon,"
Eli said the exact same thing too. But I never know if he cares or not.
But Maya was always right, never wrong. And I could tell that she cared. And when she cares, everything works out.

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