Chapter Twelve

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"Alright, Lee. I'm leaving the spare key here, but if you go out, I will know. It's for emergencies only, you hear?" Mom instructed. I was actually looking forward to this 'day off'.
I sighed, "I got it, mom. Have fun at work!" I said sarcastically.
"Because interviewing apprentices is soooo fun!" We laughed and she opened the front door, "Oh, and if you raid the candy cupboard, I will also know," and then she left me, alone, to pretty much just roam around the house doing whatever I wanted.
Mission Suspended 1: Raid the candy cupboard.

-Cameron's POV-
I have to admit, I was jealous that Lee got a day off school. Even if it was because she punched someone in the face.
Work was too tiring today; I just wanted to go home and see her again.
"Dude?" Karan snapped his fingers in front of my face.
I instantly jumped, "um, hi?"
"You just zoned out, what's up?" He asked.
He smirked and sat down with me backstage, "No. Something's on your mind, or is it a someone?!"
I turned beet red, "it's no one. I just miss my friends, that's all,"
"Right. Sure," and then he walked away, grinning.
"Everyone! My brother has just been taken into hospital because he's broken his leg, so filming will end at 12pm today. If we work quick and hard enough, we should be able to finish the last few episodes," the director exclaimed. This meant that I could go and talk to Lee a few hours earlier, and we only had 2 and a half hours of hard working left.
"Well then! Let's get going!"

-Lee's POV-
It had been 4 hours since mom left and I'd watched 3 seasons of American Horror Story, FaceTimed Max, messed around on photoshop and eaten my entire weight in candy.
I was so tired, despite the fact I had been sitting on my butt the whole day, so I laid down on the couch and put on the last few episodes of Coven.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Not the best thing to happen when your home alone and watching people die on tv.
Cautiously, I grabbed a wooden spoon from the kitchen to use as a weapon, and ninja-style crawled up to the door. I placed my hand on the handle and slowly pulled open the door, getting ready to maul the murderer with my deadly spoon.
"Woah, what did I ever do to you?!" Whoever was behind the door laughed.
I opened it fully, "Cameron? What are you doing back so early?" I pulled him into a hug.
"The director's brother broke his leg, so he has to go visit him in hospital. He sent us all home early," he explained.
"Oh, awesome. I mean, not for his brother, but for you and me now and I- just come in and watch American Horror Story with me!"
We both sat down on the couch and started to watch AHS, I don't think Cameron completely understood what was going on.
"Hey, Lee?" He paused the DVR, "Can I ask you something?"
I sat up and looked at him, "Sure. Lay it on me,"
"Is there something going on that you're not telling me?"
"What do you mean?" I knew what he meant.
He rolled his eyes playfully, "You know what I mean," Damn.
"Alright, alright. Ever since I've moved back to Sherman Oaks, I've had flashbacks. Some are minor, some are more major. But each one triggers an old memory that I lost from the accident, and none of the flashbacks are of happy things. It's always something depressing,"
He smiled comfortingly, "It's okay. I'm just glad you're alright, I thought you were hiding something because you didn't like me! You do like me, right?"
"Why would I do that? And, of course I like you: you're fun to be around. You're smart. You're funny. You're (very) cute. You're different. You're crazy. You're perfect, in an imperfect way. You always speak your mind. You have the best laugh. Of course I like you. You're-"
He cut me off right at the end of my sentence.
But what I was expecting to happen didn't happen at all. As I thought he would speak, I felt his hands interlock with mine and I widened my eyes as his soft lips brushed against mine.
I kissed back for a few seconds until I realized what I was doing.
"You'," I stepped back and looked around.
"I'm sorry I just-"
"No, cameron. I'm sorry. I just don't feel that way," I was still shocked from kissing my best friend.
"Please," he said calmly, "we can talk-"
"Just- just go home. Please. I'm sorry, cameron. I'm not in love with you."

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