I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. I moved Natsu off of me which caused him to wake up. I walked over to the door and looked at who was standing there. It was Laxus, "Laxus?" I cocked my head. We've never really had a consistent relationship, but we were friends. Natsu rushes behind me,

"Is it about..." Laxus nodded to Natsu's unfinished question, "Ok. I'll be there in a second." Laxus nodded and left down the hallway. I looked back at Natsu in question.

"Oh, shush. It's a surprise for all the girls. You'll see later."

"O-okay... I'll probably be on the beach with the kids, so don't worry if you can't find us." I smiled and let him go. The kids were starting to stir anyways, so I cleaned them up and changed them into really adorable swimsuits. Nashi was wearing a red and white striped one piece. Luke had a Royal blue shirt on with sunset orange swim trunks. I wasn't going to let them actually swim, but I'd carry them in and let them splash around for a bit. I changed into a white two-piece that had pink flowers on it. I wore a dirty white cover that had blue stitching on it.

I walked down to the beach with Luke sitting on my shoulders and Nashi on my side. I carried a see-through bag on the other side of me. I waved to Mira and Evergreen who were playing cards in the lobby. I saw Juvia sitting on the beach by herself. I calmly walked over to her. I tapped her with my foot since she hadn't noticed me and my noisy kids, "Oh, Lucy~san. Are you here to keep Juvia company?"

"Well, I came out to let the kids explore but we can hang here too." I dropped my bag and set Nashi on the floor first before swiftly picking up Luke and pretending he was in a rocket ship. He beamed and started giggling away and waving his around Nashi pouted because she wasn't doing it. I put Luke down in the sand and let him wander not too far from my arms reach. Nashi turned her attention to a contemplative Juvia. Nashi crawled over to her and pulled herself into Juvia's lap. I laughed and was about to move her when Juvia stopped me,

"Juvia says it ok. Nashi is cute. Juvia thinks she looks a lot like Nastu~san." Juvia had a blank face as Nashi tried to climb higher up mount Juvia.

"You're scared," I called her out on something I've felt before, "Don't run as we did. It's overwhelming, I know, but once that child is born you'll forget about every doubt you had. I told Gray the same thing."

"Juvia doesn't know if he actually wants to have the baby. That's what's scaring her the most- doing it alone." I felt her pain at one point... I patted her back and kept my eye on the curious little boy.

"Gray may be cold and distant at times, but I know he'd be a very good father to your kids," I added the last part so she wouldn't think I was trying to steal Gray, even though I have I'm married to Natsu.

"When Juvia told him the first thing he asked was if I'm able to fight in the Grand Magic Games..."

"...," I grimaced at how portly put that was, "I don't think he meant it like that, Juvia."

"Juvia wants you to explain." Her eyes met mine. I saw how much pain she was in making my heart sink.

"I think he maybe meant that it might be dangerous to fight while you're a couple of months pregnant because it is..."

"But Juvia wants to be in the Grand Magic Games. Juvia remembers how much fun we had last time, and Juvia just wants to feel that one more time..."

"Juvia... I know a type of protection magic. I can cast the spell on you before you go out, but the only thing is, if we want to keep the spell at it's safest I'll need to watch you the entire fight. I don't know how it would work if you were to turn yourself into the water, but I can help. This has to stay under the radar. Natsu and Gray will kill us both for this." I laughed at the end knowing they'd be mad at what I just said. Juvia smiled brightly and nodded. She gently moved Nashi off of her and into my lap. She stood up and motioned for me to start the spell.

I'd learned this is Water's Edge since Natsu was at work a lot I set up a barrier around the house to detect any use of magic within the barrier.

I cast the spell onto Juvia's womb and nodded for her to start. She turned herself into the water and I felt the spell weaken so I gave it a little more magic power. Through the spell, I could fell the small heartbeat of the child inside her. She became solid again and looked at me with promise, "It'll work." She jumped around in happiness and then sat down close to me and pulled Nashi into her lap and played with her,

"Juvia is very excited! Thank you for helping, Lucy~san!"

"Of course! You're my friend, why wouldn't I?" I smiled and grabbed Luke who was going a little too far from me.

The moon had barely risen for the night and the ocean was quietly splashing up and down the shoreline, "I know it's early, but have you thought of any names?"

"Either way, Juvia likes Storm. Gray~sama doesn't have a choice because he's not pushing it out of him." Juvia laughed innocently. Why didn't I think of that?

"I like that name." As I spoke, Luke had fallen on his back and started eating at his feet. Juvia and I giggled. I tickled his tummy which made him laugh and squeal while Nashi rolled off of Juvia and crawled up to Luke, covering his mouth, "Shhh..." Nashi doesn't like loud noises. Water's Edge has always been so quiet and low key, so she wasn't used to loud fights and random yelling. Luke didn't care at all.

Luke gave Nashi and questioning look before staring back at me with a huge smile as if he was saying, "Do it again!" I did, making him continue his laughing fit.

Nashi pouted and laid her tummy on Juvia calves. Juvia leaned over and started peacefully braiding her long, thin hair.

Natsu's POV
The guys and I had been preparing a surprise for the girls. The sun had already set when we finished for the night. I figured Lucy and the kids were still at the beach. I noticed Gray walking behind me. I glared back at him, "What the hell!? Juvia said she needs to clear her head and went towards the beach last time I talked to her! Don't get you panties in a twist, dumbass!"

"Hey, be honest with me for a second, Droopy Eyes. Do you want the kid?"

"I don't nee-"

"Gray. I know how you feel. When Lucy told me I didn't know what to think. All I knew was I loved her and I had to be there for her. I love my kids more than anything in the world. They're one of the best things to happen to me, but at first, I was scared..."

Yeah, I'm scared. We're not even married and... not technically dating either."

"Lucy and I weren't either."

"I guess it's...." Gray stopped talked and I looked up from the ground to see Juvia and Luce playing with the kids. Luke and Lucy were playing in the sand, while Juvia braided Nashi's hair. I looked back at Gray who was staring with sorrowful eyes. We'd stopped dead in our tracks. "I feel like this is my fault, but when I look at her with tiny you, I just... I can't help but happy that she's the woman I get to have a kid with. I mean, look at her. Juvia looks so at peace with everything..."

"You'll find the right words to say, Ice Prick." I patted his shoulder and walked off towards the girls. I called out to them and waved. I guess Gray hadn't moved because Juvia went from smiling to staring at him sadly. Nashi reaches her arms up to me and I touch her from Juvia's lap. I sat down in front of Lucy who smiled at me before I lightly kissed her lips.

Hi.Hey.Hello. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

Should this be a secret? [NALU Fanfic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora