Seven: Getting Closer

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"You'll see," the teacher said motioning them to sit on the chairs, seungcheol was the first to do so the rest of the boys looked at each other confused then followed their leader. Once everyone was finally seated, the teacher started explaining "Okay now that everyone is seated, Good morning I'm Mrs.Jung and I am your homeroom teacher. Today we'll be doing some activities to help you get closer together" before anyone could react she continued "I know some of have already gotten very close but the awkward and uneasy aura is still there so we're here today to fix that"

The teacher suddenly went to the small desk with a bunch of different things on it, she brought a blindfold, pens, and a cup that had pieces of paper inside it. "Okay everyone take as many papers as you want and a pen and write different questions you want to ask each other" a couple of minutes of silence as the boys were writing questions, everyone was done writing and sat back down

"Who should start first?"
no answer
"okay I'll pick! How about junhui? Come sit here in the middle" junhui sat on the chair that in the middle of the circle, he was nervous, jun didn't like to be the center of attention but then he looked at his boyfriend and saw him smiling at him, junhui would be lying if he said that didn't help calm him down "Okay you'll put the blindfold on and then I will pick a question from the cup, understood?" junhui nodded as he put the blindfold on, the teacher spoke again reading out the question "If you would choose between your love and your dream career what would you choose?" minghao, junhui's beloved boyfriend, was waiting for the answer, he was then that wrote the question so he was glad it got picked for the person he wanted to ask this question "Oh this is really hard" jun said with a nervous chuckle following "I think I would choose what my heart tells me to, and right now it's my love" all eyes now were on minghao who was smiling like an idiot while blushing like a tomato, the teacher cooed at how cute the couple "Do you want to go for another question?" "Sure"

"How do you like to be comforted?" The teacher asked, junhui wants the type to talk about his feelings so no one really saw that side of jun yet, even his own boyfriend never saw that side of him, that just shows how good jun is at hiding his feelings and that isn't a good thing all the time. After a moment of silence, junhui finally spoke "I don't know.. I never really thought about it" he let out a deep chuckle then continued "But I think a hug would be enough" he smiled and took off the blindfold as he got up from his chair walking back to his place minghao got up and gave the older a tight comforting hug, junhui chuckled and hugged him back. The two then sat down and another person was chosen "Can chan go next?" jeonghan and seungkwan said at the same time "Sure!" the teacher said

Chan nervously made his way to the middle of the circle and sat on the chair "here you go, put this on please" chan took the blindfold and put it on, soon the teacher was heard reading out the question "What's the best present you ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?" chan didn't even have to think about it and answered the first two questions right away "It's this necklace that my mother gave me, it's really special gave it to me before she left the house b-because..." chan took off the blindfold and pinched the tip of his nose so he wouldn't cry, jeonghan then got up and pulled chan into a hug soon it turned to a group hug buttry all ended up falling on top of each other and start laughing like crazy, been chan was laughing

Sorry horrible ending but thanks for reading <3

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