I think my school is stupid.

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So, my second day of school was today.

Pretty weird. I'm still anxious, because my exams are coming up.

They really enforce the social distancing. Like, really. If you aren't practicing social distancing—then you go to the vice principals office, I think.

LMAO so I was doing a TikTok today with my friends—I'm that kind of person who learns the dances, but never posts—and I got called out. I wasn't even WITH my PHONE, all we did was DANCE. It wasn't even during class. AND YET WE GOT CALLED OUT.

If you aren't wearing a mask, you're considered a 'threat'. And you will be called out–or sent home.

All I can think of is the fact that some people can't BREATHE properly in their masks.

Tbh I think the teachers have been bored throughout quarantine, so they look for the SLIGHTEST thing, and call you out for it.

And you know the funniest thing?

I don't think I've seen any teacher practicing social distancing—very few of them do, but the ones that call you out for it, don't.

The irony.

If you ain't gonna do what you say, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.


I think I'm done.

Oh wait no! I'm not done.

I spent an extra TEN MINUTES in the car, because my father got takeout. The thing is, I didn't even eat.

He did.

When my mom told him to eat the chicken at home— he said, and I quote, “It'll get cold.”



Anyways after that, we got home I had my food (thank the pizza heavens for that)

I think my father wanted to mock me, because he took the longer route home.


I'm done for now. Byeeee.

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