Book Rant.

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I'm about to rant about books so brace yourselves.

First off, we've got His Nerd Next Door by, HoneyJewelz

Excuse me while I just...


Julie and Ashton are just so... ughhhh perfect!! God, and... wait, am I the only one who's read this? GO READ.

And can I hear someone say they love Zander?

Thank you very much.

Next up, When We Crashed. The next book, in the bad boy boxer series, right after His Nerd Next Door.

Okay, Luke- can be very much of an idiot- but a hot idiot- Ella- is my spirit animal. Periodt.

WAIT A MINUTE. You're telling me that I have not said anything about Gianna???

Gianna is... like, my inside self. She's like my inner voice.

Okay, then The Chapstick Girl, right after When we Crashed.

Nobody insult Damien, he is MY CHILD.

Amber, being the- can I call her an extrovert? I don't really know, but she's close to that. And I swear to God, if any one of their moments are interrupted again, I will bring out my chainsaw.

My fictional chainsaw.


The Bad Boy and the Tomboy by nikki20038

I take back what I said about Ella being my spirit animal- but, Caleb's more it. You know? Like, I could think of something so random and focus on it.

Macy and Sam- God, don't get me started. How and why in the world would someone count the time for a conversation? 54 seconds? Really Sam?

68 days and Counting.

I'm serious when I say, when I read the part where they got married, I started running around my room.

Everything happens at 2:04am.

Caleb and Octavia. Match made in heaven, I tell you!

His Paper Heart by DamnThatSass

I legit cried when Grey got- no spoilers.

Favourite Wattpad book, anyone?

Okay, byyyeee, for now tho.

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