Michelle's rant.

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Hey guys it's finally my rant, it's late I know sorry butt it's better late than never.

I'm just came back from my first day of school and it was a weird day. A lot of things are changed; there isn't a bell and you get called to start moving by year order but if you ask me, I really love the new rules. I'm claustrophobic a little when it comes to crowds so this makes me less nervous walking around my school.

I'm short like maybe 5 foot or even shorter, most boys make fun of that, but it doesn't bother me.

I'm 16 years old.

I'm okay at first impressions, I have social anxiety so I'm normally really shy at first but when you get to know me, I'm crazy hyper.

A lot of people say I should just be confident and don't to do tight-up all the time, but it's easier said than done and I've been trying to act as if I am but just most times I can't handle my feelings, but I'm great at hiding it with a smile, depressing I know, but always faking a smile for years even makes me believe I'm happier than I feel.

Oops that got deep quickly haha, sorry.

I love to read because it helps me forget stress and it makes me stop overthinking about everything.

This lockdown I wanted to change a little, bit all that changed really was my hair, before lockdown my hair was really long but now it's short but not to short.

My favourite animal is a penguin :)

My favourite book on Wattpad is; His nerd next door.

And my favourite book set is the Hanger games.

My favourite colours are blue and red.

I hate winter because I'm scared of that icy roads because I fell once and that thing hurts like a lot XD.

But I love autumn because it's both hot and cold.

One of my biggest struggles in my life, is spelling, I don't know why but I'm good at it, it's just some times I can't help but not remember how to spell some words some times and it always frustrated me.

I'm a really nice person, some would say a little too nice but oh well.

And I'm a good listener.

Well I think that's my rant done, hopefully it wasn't too boring. Have a nice day everyone :)

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