Part 3

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I was working at the gas station, nobody has really been in a great mood recently, I was standing at the till waiting for customers, I hear the door open and glance up, a Soc girl walks in, she looks primped and comes up to the till and says, "I just wanna fill a tank."

"That it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm just going with my sister to the next town over." She says brightly.

The door opens again and a familiar voice growls, "I'm not your fucking sister Elaine, I swear to god, if you say that one more time I will beat your face in."

The girl, Elaine giggles and says, "Oh silly, I know you wouldn't do that Princess."

My head snaps up to the other girl at that voice, sure enough it's Princess, but she looks different, her eyes less bright, large bags under them, she has a couple bruises still visible through the makeup she's wearing. Wait, makeup. She's wearing a dress, a freaking dress.

She smiles when she sees me but it isn't one of her happy ones, she says, "Hey Soda."

"Hey Princess." I say softly.

She says to the Elaine girl, "We should go."

Elaine nods and they both leave, I'm not sure what to think, she seems like a girl, but she doesn't seem happy. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, maybe she was meant to be a Soc.

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