Part 2

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I found out at school on Monday.

She was fucking adopted. I got so mad when I heard, how could she not wait? How could she?!

When I got home that night I was defeated, I'd never felt this low, not even when Mum and Dad died. 

It wasn't a week before Darry got custody of us, we were all upset about the Princess situation, apparently she was being homeschooled with her new family. All our friends were down, she was the fun and light of our group. I know Dally had a soft spot for her like Johnny.

We were sitting around lost on what to do, Princess always made us smile, her constant bad puns, she had a contagious smile, she acted like one of the boys. Although she had some anger issues she could be really sweet, and could actually cook, unlike the rest of us. Darry could make a mean chocolate cake though, they were always her favourite.

I sit up and say, "This is shit!"

Darry walks in and says, "I know, it's so quiet without her, I hope she's ok."

What none of us knew was that, she really wasn't.


His fist slammed into my face again, he had to tie me up to stop me from putting up a fight.

"I hate you." I spit out blood at his feet.

He kneed me in the stomach and asked, "Are you going to behave now? Wear the dresses and put makeup on like the other girls?"

"Never." I hiss.

He punches me in the face again and says, "Your choice."

Dark splotches start to appear but I blink them away, "Yeah it is," I say, "And I'm never gonna give in Ralph, you should just return me to the home."

He grabs my chin and says, "You know, I am tempted, but where's the fun in that?"

I try to escape when he grabs a needle, but I'm tied up, he injects it into my neck and I'm out like a light.

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