Chapter 12: Training Schedules and Meal Plans

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Chapter Twelve: Training Schedules And Meal Plans

QOTC: Winners Are Not People Who Never Fail But People Who Never Quit

Jam out to Brave by Sara Bareilles while you are reading to set the mood.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Ace had been tapping his foot against the wooden floor for the whole thirteen minutes we'd been here and it was starting to become infuriatingly annoying.

Screw that, it was annoying after the first ten seconds.

I mean who even has the leg strength for that?

After seeing him on a treadmill I knew his legs were made of steel, unlike my patience.

"Can you stop that please?" I snapped.

I mean, at least I'd said please. No matter how angry I was I could and would never lose my manners.

"Is there something you'd like to interrupt the class for, Sara?"

The woman teaching called herself Agent Laurise, and she was standing right in front of me. She seemed like she could be kind when you needed her to be but would quickly transform to her unyielding self as soon as you got on her bad side.

"I- Uhm, well..." I stuttered. As soon as I was put under any pressure to speak that whole part of my brain shut down and I was left mumbling incoherent words that made absolutely no sense to me either.

Many eye rolls were directed our way from the people sitting in front of us, I didn't blame them at all, Ace was the most exasperating man ever known to man.

I just can't believe I kissed him, every time I thought of that moment I tried to wipe it out of my brain quicker than it came in. I pretended it was a dream I'd had, that it was so vivid I thought it was real.

I knew I could only hide from it for so long though, Ace would either come demanding questions or come demanding more. I wasn't sure which one scared me the most.

"Right then, I will continue. Next time please wait till I have finished my lesson before communicating non-related information with love- students." I was sure she was going to say lovers, maybe it was just my dodgy hearing from all the loud music I used to drown myself in when life just became too hard to even think about.

Not only were FBI agents strong, tactical and invincible, they were also clever, witty and always knew what to say. Agent Laurise was a brilliant example.

The way she looked you dead in the eye when she spoke to you and carried herself with a sense of purpose that just somehow screamed 'I belong here' without her even saying it.

When it comes to being a FBI agent I knew it was all about faking it till you make it.

You might not feel confident but if you look confident then you'll fool everyone that there is to fool.

We'd had a few lectures of Undercover Class but they never really seemed to cover much except the three main rules:

1. Don't let any emotional attachments to fellow agents or targets get into the way of the mission

2. Trust no one except yourself

3. Be willing to use deadly force if it is absolutely necessary

I could feel today though that we would cover more, I'd already seen on the schedule for this term (that had been accidentally sent to me by the head organiser) that today we would be learning about disguise and more details for our first mission.

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