Chapter 4: A Sight For Sore Eyes

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Chapter Four: A Sight For Sore Eyes

QOTC: Life has no limitations except the ones that you make.

Jam out to This City By Sam Fischer while you are reading to set the mood.

*Sara's outfit is above*

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

There was nothing to wear!

Clothes sprawled all over the dorm floor, shoes thrown in all sorts of directions and jewellery scattered all over my dressing side table.

I had nothing to wear to this date, it was official.


I only had an hour, and I planned on doing my makeup, curling my hair into soft waves and taking a nice relaxing bath to calm my nerves. We may have to scrap the last bit.

I don't even think a calming bath with rose-scented candles and an episode of Vampire Diaries could calm my nerves.

The creaking of the door turned my attention elsewhere.

"Hey, I know you said I should probably leave you alone but I got your message and wanted to help, whats up?"

Amber placed her bag on her bed, the reassuring sound of the keys colliding with each other slowing my heartbeat, and came to sit beside me.

"I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" I shouted, all my frustration and annoyance channeling into those 5 words.

I heard Amber laugh and ruffle my hair.

"You should have called me! I have LOTS of things you can wear. I think I know just the thing for you to wear to your date tonight." As she finished her sentence she gave me a flirty wink and I felt a smile form on my lips, no matter how hard I tried not to.

"You're such a life saver!" I let out a deep breath and collapsed onto the bed.

"Did I ever tell you I wanted to major in fashion?" I sat up at this and felt my jaw hang open.

A few seconds passed before I composed myself and mustered a reply.

"No... no you didn't." I was shocked at this, I mean FBI and fashion? I wasn't quite sure how that worked...

"When I was younger, I say that but it was only about 4 years ago, I'd design dresses for the yearly Emerald Ball. It was a special tradition in the town I came from, the 10 girls who passed the interview were presented at the ball, courted by a man of course, and I designed their dresses. I loved doing it... all the extravagant details... the colours... the shape..." I watched her as she tailed off.

She gazed wistfully at the window, her eyes glazing over and her face transforming into happiness.

"Why are you here then?" I didn't mean it to sound blunt, but I was not one for tactfulness or beating around the bush. Life was too short for that.

I was about to repeat the question to give her a chance to reply but before I could she pulled a garment out of the wardrobe and I was... speechless.

It was... gorgeous.

A deep black that made my eyes shine even more than usual and my hair look silkier than ever, it was detailed with sparkles that flashed in the dim glow of the lamp.

It was tight on my body, clinging to my curves and not leaving much to the imagination when it came to my cleavage, but it made me feel powerful. I felt like my old self and I loved it.

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