Chap 13: Blue idiot

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I woke back up in the Mystery shack. I don't remember how I got there, nor how I managed to not wake up Uncle Budd and Gideon as Dipper put me to bed. 

God that sounded wrong. 

Hannah was eating some grains that I did not remember putting down for her. On the bedside table there was a small, light blue envelope. 

I knew instantly that it was from Dipper. Who else owned a surplus of blue objects? I'm almost completely sure that he doesn't own anything that is not some shade of blue, black or white.

Grabbing the note, I carefully lifted up the flap of it and took out the plain, white card inscribed with Dipper's dark blue cursive writing. 

"Had fun last night. Let's hang out again sometime. ;)  293-588-7686

If Dipper was actually expecting me to call him, he was out of his mind. But I saved it to my phone anyway under the name..... hmmm.... "Blue idiot 🔷".

I grumbled to myself as I rolled out of bed, onto the floor with a loud bang. The attic door burst open as Gideon went straight to his bed and face planted onto it. He didn't even bother to ask if I was okay.

"Aaaaaarrggghhhhhh." He screamed into his pillow. Did he not notice that I was literally lying on the floor, or that I haven't been in the room all night? 

"Hello to you too cuz'," I mumbled under my breath, "what's wrong with you?"

"I hate the Gleefuls. All of them are annoying. Dipper's a narcissistic jerk, Stan and Ford are rich snobs, and Mabel..." he trailed off and shuddered visibly, "won't leave me alone."

"Looks like we both have one of the Gleeful twins obsessing over us." I smiled and rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah yeah. Now don't talk to me for the rest of the day. I'm burned out."

I went downstairs to eat some pancakes that Uncle Bud had made. They were pretty much inedible, so I took the plate outside and gave it the goat. Sorry Uncle Bud.


I made my way into the Greasy Diner, since its pretty much the only place that I can afford around here. I sat down at the counter and a tall redhead with a large beard took my order.

I got some fries and a smoothie, you know, something small. I sipped on the smoothie quietly before noticing that everyone was staring at me, or rather, behind me. I turned around, hold and behold, a familiar face with long brunette hair.

"Hi... Mabel," I said awkwardly. I looked behind her to find two other girls about my age. One was a large, buff girl with red-brown hair. The other was a small Asian girl with rectangular glasses. "And friends." I smiled politely and took another sip of my smoothie.

"Hi Pacifica, these are my friends, Candy and Grenda. Mind if we sit with you? We have a lot that I would like to discuss." Mabel drew out her vowels as she spoke. I gestured to the empty seats beside me and she sat down.

"Would you like to order anything?" the redhead asked. 

"I'd really rather not. I just ate a 5 star meal and fast food really doesn't sit well with it." Mabel wore a ton of makeup, but she already looked really pretty, so I didn't see the point in it. As I was thinking this, she took out her phone and started to text someone.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" I asked. She looked up at me for a couple of seconds before looking back down on her phone. 

"Oh you know, just girl talk! What did you think of the show yesterday?"

"It was... really cool I guess." I shrugged and took another slurp of my smoothie.

"OMG! Thank you! Dipper and I put a lot of effort into it. Speaking of Dipper... what do you think of him?" Mabel asked leaning in way too close for my personal comfort.

"He's an annoying, narcissistic jerk. But I guess that he can be nice sometimes." Why was she asking me this? Why did she care about my opinion?

Mabel continued speaking, "And what about Gideon? Is he dating anyone? Oh god, I hope he isn't." 

"Um, Gideon has never shown any interest in romance, so I don't think so." I remember Dipper briefly mentioning in the first letter he gave me about Mabel showing interest in Gideon. I guess that she really did have a silly crush on him.

"He's so cute isn't he! His cute squishy little cheeks and his stupid hat and his..." She kept on pointing out every little thing about Gideon, even though I really didn't want to hear about my cousin's "chubby little legs" as Mabel puts it.

This went on and on for around half an hour. Part of me marvels about how somebody could talk about a person for 30 minutes straight, but then again, the Gleefuls are weird creatures. 

I looked around desperately for any excuse to leave this conversation. I would literally rather go and spend another night on top of a tall cliff with Dipper than this conversation.

Oh wait. Dipper! I'll just talk to him instead of Mabel.

"Sorry Mabel, but I just remembered that I have to call someone," I smiled and pulled out my phone, scanning through my contacts.

My finger hovered over the words "Blue idiot 🔷" on my screen. 

On second thought, maybe I should I just call my parents instead. No, they were working.  What about my friends? Tiffany is in a summer camp, a place with no connection, and Gideon doesn't wanna talk to anyone.

Reluctantly, I pressed the big green "call" button underneath "Blue idiot 🔷". I pressed the phone to my ear, got up and walked out of the diner waiting for him to pick up. 

My mind was constantly yelling "Stop, you stupid idiot. Just pretend to talk to someone. Hang up or something. You know that you'll regret this!"

I considered it, but the second I thought to do it, Dipper picked up. 

A familiar and annoying voice spoke through the phone. 

"Hello sweetheart," he started, "I was waiting for your call."

A/n: Hey everyone. I'm sorry for the really long wait. I hope that everyone is doing well during the pandemic and staying safe! Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope that you enjoyed it! Please remember to vote on this chapter! Stay safe! Also thank you to CharaIsGood and TheBookLovinFox for helping me edit.

I also drew a halloween picture for fun. Here it is:

I was gonna do another costume, but then I remembered the title of this fic so I was like "Oh wait

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I was gonna do another costume, but then I remembered the title of this fic so I was like "Oh wait. Angel and Devil makes more sense lmao." Please remember to Vote and comment on the story!

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