Chap 7: Invitation to Hell

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*Pacifica's POV*

I took the envelope from the man, turning the paper over, confused. 

"Thank you?" I asked before realising that I was talking to thin air. I sighed and debated whether or not I should open the letter for about 5 seconds. Curiosity took over and I carefully opened the envelope. Inside was two strips of paper and a piece of paper covered in the neat cursive matching the one on the envelope. It read:

"Dear Pacifica,

I hope this letter find you in good spirits. I am writing to convey my sincerest apology for my wrongdoing at the post office that had undeniably caused you much discomfort, for which I feel deep regret. 

Please accept the enclosed  two tickets to my show tonight at the Tent of Telepathy, as amends for the above mentioned offence. It will be a great honour for me to welcome you as a guest. Rest assured it will be an event of great excitement. Please feel free to come in any attire of your choosing. 

Lest you are confused as to the choice of the messenger, I  hope we both understand that you will not be welcoming of my unexpected presence at your front door.

Warm regards,                                                                                                                                                                          Dipper M.A. Gleeful

P.S. If you could bring Gideon along with you, that would be greatly appreciated. It appears that my sister has shown some interest in him during the past few weeks."

I re-read the letter to try and understand what he was saying. I was shocked at how formal Dipper was in this letter, but then again, he was one of the richest, fanciest people in the country, if not the world. I thought about the offer that he had given me. I knew that Uncle Bud wouldn't be happy knowing that I even met Dipper Gleeful, much less going to his magic show. i decided to go and ask Gideon about this, since he was also asked to come.


"So your'e asking me if i want to go to the most popular show in town for free?" Gideon asked me with a blunt look. I simply nodded, not really knowing what he would say (he's a bit hard to read.) "Sure I'll come, but don't let my dad know about this, or I'll be grounded for life." He whispered. I smiled at him before skipping up the stairs to get changed.

I put on a turquoise T-shirt with denim shorts. I also put on a light pink jacket with white sleeves over it, pulled my hair into a high ponytail with a pink scrunchie. I slipped my forest green sneakers on and stuffed the two tickets inside my pockets before heading outside to meet Gideon. He wore a black jumper under a blue vest, along with a blue and white cap that had a pine tree on the front of it.

"Let's go" he whispered quietly, looking around before running towards the town square. i followed him to a large, light blue circus tent with a star on the top. There was a ticket booth in the front, as well as countless pictures of two (annoying) people. Large crowds of people gathered around the front, waiting for the entrance to open. From what i could see, most of the visitors were teenage girls, or young kids. Since this was a magic show, I could understand the amount of young children, but why were there so many teenagers here? Surely they had better things to do with their time. 

Realisation hit me when the doors to the tent opened, and most of the crowd rushed in like headless chickens to find a good seat in the audience. They were here for Dipper, of course. I rolled my eyes at the crazy fangirls squealing at each other with excitement.  Gideon and I found a decent seat in the back of the tent, where we could see most of the stage. It had black floor tiles and a light blue curtain. the only other things in the tent was organised rows of wooden benches, which were surprisingly comfortable to sit on.

The lights suddenly went out, only to be replaced by a spotlight directed in the middle of the stage. 

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Tent of Telepathy!"

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