Part 1

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I miss my brothers, is my only thought on my mind, sitting in my room at the girls home, Darry is fighting to get custody of all three of us back but I miss them, Soda gets to be with Ponyboy at least but I'm all alone.

I'm staring blankly at the wall, my deepest fear is to get adopted before Darry can save me and take me home. I miss my parents but I've always been a strong greaser. I have extreme anger issues and I blow up when people push my buttons.

I have a roommate, I can't hate her, but she's a little dumb, she also doesn't know boundary's.

Her name's Elaine, the bell goes off in our room meaning Miss. Green wants to speak to us all.

Elaine says, "Come on Princess."

I reluctantly get up and follow her downstairs, all the girls have gathered in the common room, Miss. Green says, "Aright, we have a couple here, looking to adopt, so I'll give all the 14-17 year olds all 15 minutes to get into your nicest clothes, the rest of you can go."

I don't bother leaving, I don't wanna get adopted so like shit I'm going to look nice and friendly because I'm far from it. I have long brown curly hair, my eyes are green and I have olive skin. 

When Elaine and a few other girls come back we all wait and a couple walk into the room. Neither of them looked nice, I saw past their friendly facade.

They ask some questions and I refuse to respond to any, Miss. green hates me, it's common knowledge. Miss. Green comes back in with a bright smile and says, "They have decided to adopt all 4 of you!"

The other 3 girls squeal and hug each other, Elaine turns to me and asks me, "Aren't you happy?"

"No," It comes out harsher than expected but I don't reel it in, "I'M NOT FUCKING HAPPY! I HAVE A FAMILY I DON'T NEED SOME STUPID REPLACEMENT FAMILY!" I practically scream.

Miss. Green seems a bit taken a back, I storm down the hall, walking past a table and sliding everything off of it, making a huge mess. I go to my room and sit on my bed running a hand through my hair. A sob wrack's out of my throat.

I'm not being adopted, Darry will get me. I keep telling myself, but I know it's no use.

Elaine comes in carefully and says, "It'll be fine Princess, they're nice people, and have lots of money and live on the other side of town."

"They're Soc's." I clarify, "I'm a Greaser, and I love being a Greaser."

She looks at me and says, "You'll be fine, we're leaving tonight so you should pack."

"No." I say, "I'm not leaving."

There's a knock on our door and the husband comes in, he smiles but I see right through it and say, "Just checking up on packing."

"I"m not packing." I say with a blank face.

A very different scary emotion crosses his face, he says, "Elaine could you step out for a second?"

"Sure." She says brightly and leaves.

The man comes over and grabs my collar pulling me up, he growls, "You are going to pack or I'll show you the consequences."

I spit at him and seethe struggling in his grip, "Never."

He throws me against the wall and kicks me in the stomach he says, "I'll help you."

He stuffs a bag with all the things in my cupboard messily and takes it out with him before saying, "If you're not downstairs in 10 minutes I'll give you a lot worse."

A tear slips through and he leaves. I have nothing, there's no escape. 

I wish I had a choice but I go downstairs after 10 minutes and get in the car with the other girls driving to the other side of town.

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