"So, I do literally nothing until I'm summoned again?" Camille asked. "I can be normal for a while?"

     "Normal as in spend time with the Malfoy heir?"

     Camille cocked her head. "I don't want Draco to get caught up in this."

     The Seer—Grindelwald—nodded. "No harm will come to him."

      "No more secrets, Grindelwald." Camille stood tall before the Seer. He smirked, very humanly like and for a glimmer of time she could see the real Grindelwald beneath the mask of the Seer.

      "No more secrets." He smiled then narrowed his eyes. "Give me your hand, child."

      Without hesitation, Camille placed her hand within the pale palm of the Seer's. He waved his ancient wand over the back of her hand and deep ink etched into the skin casting a tattoo. A triangle that rimmed a line pierced circle. "The Deathly Hallows mark defines the Master of Death, you."

     Camille ran a finger over the freshly inked tattoo, painless as it was created by magic.

      "Ten prisoners of Azkaban have escaped; they return to their Dark Lord. The course is set in motion now, Voldemort will manipulate things so that Harry Potter will hand him the prophecy he so desperately desires."

     "What do you want me to do?"

     The Seer—Grindelwald—smiled haughtily. "You need Harry to believe you are on his side. Join his little army he's been forming, yes, I've seen those visions. Go with him to the Ministry of Magic and while you are there, retrieve the prophecy of darkness."

      "How will I know which one it is?" Camille pursed her lips.

      "The orb will call for you, Queen of the Hallows."

      "I feel like I rarely see you." Draco purred into Camille's ear. It was St. Valentine's Day and Draco had brought the girl into the heart of Hogsmeade. He tucked a wild flower he had plucked on the journey behind her ear. "Where do you run off to all the time?"

      "Professor Dumbledore has me doing counselling. He thinks it'll do me good." Camille lied. She hated lying to him but she had promised Grindelwald that in order to keep Draco safe, she mustn't tell him what is truly going on behind the scenes. Well, it wasn't entirely a lie. Camille had been required to do one session of counselling a week. A representative from St. Mungo's would come in and talk with her for an hour every Sunday evening. She hated every minute of it.

      "Well, well, well..." The screeching voice of the journalist named Rita arose with her floating journal and quill following close behind. "Do you have a moment, Camille Diggory? I'd love an interview on how hard your life has been since your much-cherished brother died so tragically."

      "Go away, Skeeter!" Draco spat, "Or else I'll have my father damage your career!"

      As the woman scurried away, Camille giggled into his chest. "Well, that worked."

     Draco kissed her forehead. "You're okay, aren't you?"

     "Of course, I am." Camille sweetly smile. In fact, she was, in a way. She didn't feel sad anymore. She missed her brother of course but she'd turned her anger out on her father who had abandoned her. Truthfully, she was avoiding her feelings, throwing herself into Grindelwald's schemes...her grandfather.

     "Umbridge recently had her Inquisition Squad hunt down Potter's newly formed army. Heard she's been interrogating them all evening."

     "Inquisition Squad?" Camille dared ask, how she had missed everything that'd been happening in school hours was beyond her...oh...well, she had other matters she'd been attending to.

     Draco hummed, taking a bite out of the love-heart shaped donut, a bit of frosting smeared on his nose. "Crabbe and Goyle joined it, been telling me the go on a lot of things. Didn't really interest me, much."

      Camille kissed away the frosting on his nose, letting him blush a little as she laughed lightly. "Maybe Harry's right. We can't live in a theoretical world of magic..."

     Draco raised his eyebrows. "Yeah...not much we can do about it though. These O.W.L.S have had me worried; they'll dictate our future really. Have you thought on what jobs you're looking at?"

     Camille loosened a nervous laugh. "Truthfully, I haven't even thought about the O.W.L.S. or my future."

     "What about quidditch? You were always so good at that?"

     Camille smiled sadly. Draco had meant the best for her. She sighed before she answered. "That was Cedric's plan, never mine."

     Draco ran a finger down her spine. "I can help. We can plan the future together...I mean if that's what you'd like, of course?"

     Camille gave him a sad smile. He was too pure...too much light in him compared to her darkness. "I love you."

     Draco pecked her lips. "I love you more."

      Something deep within her told her that this was all borrowed time.

Sirius Black was screaming.

No, he was being tortured.

Voldemort was there, they were in the room of prophecies.

Camille knocked on the study room door of the library where Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting, all in communication with Luna, Ginny and Neville. They all turned to her and Ginny opened the door, looking at her as if she were a dementor.

     "Sirius..." Camille began, "I saw a vision of him."

     Hermione turned to Harry, wide eyed. Harry stood up. "I did too...but how...how did you see a vision? Only I can see what Voldemort does."

     "I have abilities..." Camille spoke, watching as every eye was on her. She saw Ron give her a sad smile. "I'm a Seeress...well recently I have been showing signs of being one."

     "So, it's true?" Ron asked, "The vision of Sirius being tortured?"

     "I assume so." Camille simply answered, she turned to Harry. "That's why I came to find you straight away."

     "After all these weeks of avoiding me...of us?" Harry asked. He didn't trust her, of course he didn't. She'd snapped at him in Grimmauld Place. She'd avoided him everywhere.

     "I'm sorry. I didn't know how else to handle my grief. You were always a reminder of my brother...that you were the last to see him alive."

     Ginny curled an arm around Camille's frame. "You don't need to apologise. For goodness sake, Camille is our friend!"

      "I've come to help you save him. Sirius is the only family I have now, just like you, Harry. I lost too much to not help save him. I would never forgive myself knowing I didn't do anything to help him."

     Harry nodded. "Welcome to Dumbledore's Army."


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