"Oh for goodness sake." Pansy muttered to herself over the sight of Professor Snape being someone's boggart but when the charm changed Snape into a man dressed in Neville's grandmother's clothing, her attitude changed completely. "We should paint that and stick it in the Common Room."

 Professor Lupin laughed both at the sight before him and the remark. "Everyone form a line."

Students gathered in their line as Lupin began to play some uplifting jazz music, Camille and Pansy sprinting as far back of the line as they could, not wanting to demonstrate at all. Never.

Ron went up first and Camille peered down the line to see what her childhood friend's fear was. She should've know it would've been spiders. The girl remembered the whole ordeal when they were younger over the twins turning his comfort teddy bear into a spider which traumatised the young Ronald. Next was Pavarti where her boggart took the form of a large cobra snake.

Harry Potter was next in line and everybody turned their attention to see what the chosen one would be scared on. Pavarti's transformed jack-in-the-box continued to bounce, searching for Harry's fear until it eventually turned into something that seemed so real. It was a Dementor.

Perhaps it was real for Professor Lupin immediately jumped in front of the creature letting the boggart compass settle on a full moon. A full moon. Why a full moon? Camille thought about Sirius who she knew was an animagus. Was Lupin one too?

Class managed to finish right after that, some students were disappointed but not most of the Slytherin's at the back of the line. With a deep release of a grateful sigh they ran out of the room first.


Draco sat in the main lounge area of the Common Room with his minions. "What do you think those girls are always doing?"

     "What do you mean?" Goyle asked, shoving a box of chocolates down his mouth.

Draco leaned forward. "It's like they're always together. They could at least interact down here in the lounge area."

Meanwhile, the girls sat in their dormitory completely and once again unintentionally forgetting about Milicent Bulstrode who sat as quiet as a piece of furniture in the corner reading a book. The four girls sat on Pansy's bed, Tracey laying over Daphne's lap telling them about how her stomach hurts after all that laughing.

     "We're all pretty close right?" Pansy asked, leaning forward.

Milicent looked up from her book. Juicy gossip? She wondered.

     "Sisters." Tracey smiled.

     "I know that each of us has a specific boy we're crushing over, right..." Pansy began, her hands grabbing the hands of Daphne and Camille beside her. Milicent quietly shut her book, listening intently. "We should try something first."

      "Like what?" Daphne sighed a little. "Besides, you know I'm not crushing over any boy."

Pansy aggressively nodded, waving her hand slightly at her. "Let's kiss."

     "Them?" Tracey asked, sitting up immediately.

     "Not them," Pansy smiled wickedly. "Us. Each other. You know for uh...practice. Or curiosity."

Daphne and Pansy looked to one another as if there were some sort of background information going on. Pansy tilted her head at Tracey a little then looked away with a smirk.

     "Curiosity?" Camille asked shyly.

Pansy rubbed her lips together. "You know like, some of us may not be into just boys. Perhaps both...or just girls."

They all sat still, the room silent except for the bubbling of the lake outside their windows.

    "Who first?" Tracey gleamed.

Camille blushed, looking between the group. Pansy's eyes fell on hers. "I guess...us."

Pansy leaned forward, her hand grazing Camille's chin. She kissed her with such sweetness and Camille kissed her back. Tracey watched in awe as Daphne watched Tracey. The two girls pulled away, Pansy smiling as Camille blushed. Immediately, Tracey looked to Daphne and she grabbed the girl's face and kissed her. For Tracey it was like a fun game but for Daphne it meant more. She liked Tracey and Pansy knew.

Milicent began to leave the room when Pansy called out to her. "Wanna join?"

     "No." The quiet reader answered, quickening her pace.

As the girl shut the door behind her the four girls began to laugh, realising Milicent had watched them the entire time. Milicent made her way down into the lounge area and Draco immediately stood up.

     "Is Camille in there?"

Milicent looked back to the dormitory stairs. "Yep."

Draco walked quickly to the girl, stopping her in her tracks. His monotoned plaid jacket flapping behind him as a silver chained belt swung. "Well...could you tell her to come here?"

    "The girls are in the middle of something."

Draco scoffed; Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise and Theodore settling behind him. "Like what?"

     "Kissing." Milicent said after a beat and with that left.

Draco's eyes went wide but Blaise cooed as he spoke. "That's hot."

Immediately Draco stormed up the stairs with the boys behind him eager to watch to. Without knocking the blonde-haired boy opened the door. There on the bed were the four girls but they weren't kissing.  Pansy was brushing the Camille's hair with her fingers but immediately stopped to glare at Draco and the boys intrusion. Draco focused on Camille who was wearing a wrap-skirt with the same plaid design and colour as his jacket, her legs bent as she lay on her back with her head in Pansy's lap. She noticed him staring at her skirt and lowered her legs for her own modesty. She sat up, fixing her black turtle neck top that had formed a few creases against her chest.

      "Kissing, are we?" Blaise asked.

Draco was staring at Camille not with any expression in particular but held her gaze as if he didn't want to look away. Blaise smirked at Pansy who stood up from the bed, walking toward the boys. She was still in school uniform, cloak amiss, tie undone and lazily draped around her neck, white shirt unbuttoned to just above her chest. She seductively smiled at Blaise. "You're not invited."

     "I'm getting something to eat." Daphne with her green overalls over a beige jumper stood up, tucking a strand of her brown, wavy bob behind her ear. Tracey ran after the girl, hungry too, with her loose denim jeans and bright green sweater.

Camille sat at the end of the bed now watching as Goyle and Crabbe figured they too were hungry and left, leaving four once again; Draco, Camille, Blaise and Pansy.

     "You all..." Blaise began, pointing his hand between the two girls. "Together?"

     "No, idiot." Pansy slightly spat at him. "We were helping out Tracey and Daphne. Let's go, Cam."

Camille stood up just as Pansy left alongside Blaise, half in a disagreeing conversation and the other full of flirtation. Draco stopped her as she went to pass him out of the room. His hand rested on her hip. She dared to look at him, his eyes warm and inviting. Crap. She thought. She definitely did like him. 

He leaned in to whisper something, his breath hot on her ear. "If you wanted to try kissing, you should've asked me, Milly darling."


Whoo. Quickly wrote this as heading home for a couple days and the Internet is really bad there ahaha. I won't be back until Wednesday but have a group assignment due so the next chapter might have to wait until next Friday or so.

In this story, Pansy and Tracey are bi and Daphne is our sweet sapphic les. 

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