His second youngest brother Daylen, who was now ten years old, runs up to Ambrose as well. Wrapping his arms around his middle.

Soren and Bella, who were now fifteen, stood close by. Ambrose felt guilty each time he laid his eyes upon Soren. He felt as if he was taking away Soren's rightful role as alpha. As a king.

Soren smiles shyly, waving at his older brother. Even though Ambrose was one year his senior, Soren still towered over him. Despite being an Alpha, Soren was soft-spoken, not raising his voice or speaking out of place.

Bella was the opposite of Soren. She had a bright and bubbly attitude, always having to be reminded to lower her voice.

Her beauty was breathtaking, she was often told of how much she looked like their late aunt Arabella. A woman whom she'd never met, but was named after.

"Daddy wants to see you," River says from his spot nestled between Ambrose's neck and shoulder.

"He wants to see me? Why didn't he mind link me?"

"He told us to come get you," Daylen answers, tugging on Ambrose's sleeve.

Ambrose glances up at Johnathan, watching as anger flashes across his face before his normal relaxed expression reappears.

Ambrose turns so his body blocks his two youngest brothers. Afraid that Johnathan would attack them if he did not protect them.

"I will wait for you in our bedchamber," Johnathan says hastily, entering the room before slamming it shut behind him.

Ambrose sighs, adjusting River on his hip so he doesn't fall.

"Come on, let's go see daddy," Ambrose says, taking Daylen's hand while simultaneously holding River up. "Do you know why he wanted to see me?"

"Actually..." Daylen says, drawing out the word. He rubs the back of his neck, looking down at his feet as they walk down the hallway.

"River, Bella, and Daylen came to my room and asked me to bring them here," Soren says, his soft voice gaining Ambrose's attention almost immediately.

"They wanted to spend time with you. I wanted to spend time with you as well. You have been so caught up in your duties that you had no room to visit us. We missed you so much and thought that maybe if we made up a story that dad wanted to see you... I'm so sorry for taking you away from Johnathan, I know how much you love to be around him. But if you want to go back to your bedchamber, you-,"

Ambrose, overcome with emotion, falls to his knees. He clutches onto his youngest brother tightly, burying his face into the boys neck and sobs.

His sobs turn into wails, the heaving cries echoing throughout the hallway. Ambrose's siblings were surprised by his sudden outburst, never having seen him cry before.

Soren cringes at the smell of raw, putrid distress surrounding Ambrose. Clinging to his form. He kneels beside his sobbing brother, taking River out of his arms.

He hoists Ambrose into his arms, the older boy instantly clinging to him. Soren realized that Ambrose was murmuring something over and over again.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Ambrose whimpers in a mantra, nuzzling Soren's cheek lovingly.

"Ambrose?" He questions, rubbing his back gently. Ambrose curls closer to Soren, tightly clutching onto his robes.

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